Looking for good matches for this spring! Please help!

<p>I am currently a freshman at the University of Arizona. So far my experience has been a rather mixed one. What I do know for certain is that I wanna get out of here. I have been disillusioned with the academics so far and I absolutely hate the Tucson weather. The impersonal nature of the school also kinda makes it harder for me to adjust to life because of the fact that I took a rather lengthy gap after high school ( 2 yrs ) . </p>

<p>My grades in high school have been mostly As with a few Bs and 1 C. My SAT scores are :</p>

<p>Math : 650
CR : 660
W : 580</p>

<p>Do you have good matches or safety schools in mind for me? Preferably in the northeast. I would also love some LAC suggestions too. I wanna get out of here as soon as spring.</p>

<p>I also wanna know whether I should apply as a freshman or transfer student. I am currently enrolled for 14 credits.</p>

<p>Please help a miserable depressed person out here!!</p>

<p>I am desperate here! I would really appreciate some help here!! please!!</p>

<p>What amount can you afford? What majors are you looking for?</p>

<p>I can afford private schools and public schools so I am not really worried about it. I am worried about the experience. I cant stand the desert heat for one like I mentioned above.</p>

<p>As for my major its undecided but I am leaning towards something within the field of social science. Maybe Political science or econ? Not sure though.</p>

<p>You’ve been there all of two months. Give the place a chance. I’m betting this is really more of an adjustment issue - getting used to being back in school after a long absence, and possibly some unrealistic expectations - than a problem with the school. If you put your effort into researching who the great profs are, how to get into the smaller classes, where the people are that you want to hang with, and how to connect with people like yourself, you may find that tranferring isn’t worth the trouble. If I’m wrong, then you can spend time over the winter break looking at LACs to transfer into (and you’ll have a semester’s worth of grades in which you can demonstrate to other schools that it’s really about fit rather than inability to manage college life.)</p>