Looking for good printers

<p>Well, I've tried my hand with the printing companies around here and I find it is both too costly and slow. Some of these places are a complete rip-off and have lousy service to boot. As many of you have probably found, the same quality job can be done much more cheaply and quickly at home with a good printer.</p>

<p>So I would like suggestions on good printers. Digital printing, needs to be high-quality without going overboard. I will be printing double-sided on photographic paper at a size less than or equal to 9x12 inches. Let's limit the price to a few hundred dollars for now, definitely nothing over 1k. Color should preferably be dead-on, or at least close enough that one would not be able to discern any difference by comparing the printed image with the image on a computer screen.</p>

<p>Suggestions are preferred from those who have tried their hand with a variety of printers and know their cards. I appreciate any help.</p>

<p>What are you planning to print?</p>