Looking for help on letters of recommendation

<p>Please help:</p>

<p>I should get these letters of recommendation done ASAP so I don't waste anymore time. I'm already behind on those. I know what teachers I have in mind for it. 3 of my schools are on the common app, one is not. </p>

<p>How do I approach teachers to do the Common App letter/other letter? Do I give them envelopes to send it off with? Do they give it back to me? Do they do this letter of recommendation online? </p>

<p>Can someone please walk me through the process?
Thank you so much</p>

<p>Just ask ,Hi so im applying to colleges and I was wondering if you culd write my letter of rec. ( your supposed to give them 2 weeks or a month notice of due date). Give them a list of deadlines for you and the deadlines of the schools as well as your resume. Give them envelopes with stamps and adressed.</p>

<p>Yes you can do stuff online on common app its under school forms. If you feel like doing everything old school th en send it in. My teacher gave me back the envelopes, idk wh y, but tell them to turn it in, so you don’t have to do it</p>

<p>okay, awesome. so for the common app ones I can just print it out? It seems easier for them to just get it done there and mail it and not worry about doing it online.</p>

<p>and if its going to multiple colleges do I ask them to copy them? Or provide them with multiple forms or whatnot?</p>

<p>Yes thats what I did :)!</p>