Looking for Safeties and Matches

<p><a href="http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0522,hunter,64464,5.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0522,hunter,64464,5.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>All right...maybe I won't be looking at Middlebury anymore. It wasn't anywhere near my first choices in any case.</p>

<p>The website needs updating, but this should give you some general ideas:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.wesleyan.edu/admission/international/freeman.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.wesleyan.edu/admission/international/freeman.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>johnleemk, see if you can find any other articles corroborating that story - i've yet to find one, and i've been looking for several days. additionally, seek out middlebury's response to the article before ruling out the school entirely. from what i can gather, the village voice did a great job of utterly misrepresenting the entire story.</p>

<p>i'm not a fan of midd, but i don't think it's fair to them to eliminate the school based on a story which may not even be correct (if it is, indeed, accurate, that's absolutely ridiculous - but the very fact that it's so ridiculous makes me feel rather doubtful). i'm not you, though, so i thought i'd just throw this out there. :)</p>

<p>If it's international aid you need, you really want to look at Wesleyan. My friend was accepted as a freeman scholar this year (i gave him my app from the info session when i ofund out i wasn't eligible) and i can tell you, being the guy that encouraged him to go for it, that the freeman scholarship is a very generous one, the most generous one i found for internationals when i did my own college search a few months ago. they give you a full-ride, plus a generous allowance plus reimbursement for your plane fare to and from the US. and, as has been mentioned before in this thread, Wesleyan is an excellent school, and a decent compromise between LAC and University. (it's one of the most university-like-leaning LACs.</p>

<p>if you want more info, besides the website johnwesley just gave, watch out for an information session in malaysia - they hold extensive ones in all 11 participating countries every year.</p>

<p>plus, thery're obsessed with diversity over there, so you probably won't have any problems similar to those that are allegedly to be found at middlebury.</p>

<p>allison, yeah, perhaps I was a bit hasty. It's true they weren't really near my top choices, though. I'm more lukewarm towards it than most of the other schools on my list, which I would love to attend.</p>

<p>I was considering the Freeman Scholarship, but it means more schooling...argh! You see, they expect Malaysian students to have finished their SPM exam and be preparing for the STPM. I don't intend to sit for either exam because:
1. I have no faith in Malaysian education (a topic for another post);
2. I hate Malaysian schools;
3. I'm going to sit for the British O- and A-levels instead.</p>

<p>Therefore, this kind of puts a spanner in my works. Either I focus on a couple of exams that are totally irrelevant outside Malaysia and stay in a school system that literally oppresses you (you won't believe the kind of crap I've gone through) and get a free ride, or I pursue a non-traditional track and risk not getting enough financial aid. This sucks. :(</p>

<p>hey there... i just want to ask u y you dont want to apply to the mid-west as i am heading there this fall....</p>

<p>Uh...it's not really quantifiable in words. To me the Midwest is just...odd. If it works for you, go for it. I actually do have quite a few Midwest colleges on my list. Maybe I'm just thinking too much about the stereotypical Midwest or something like that.</p>