<p>First, the ever-present stats:</p>
<p>Current Junior
White female
Rural WI
Mediocre/Average Public School
UW GPA: 4.0 (I have many more A+'s than A's on my transcript)
School doesn't weight.
1/~206 (class size will shrink)</p>
<p>ACT: 36 (36E 36R 34M 36S) -taken as a soph, if that means anything
SAT: taken in Jan (to confirm NM)
SAT II: 800 US History, 750 Math IIC (planning to take Bio and retake Math IIC in June)
10: US History (5)
11: Bio, Calc AB, US Gov (taken all that school offers, also taking Lang/Comp test)
12:currently negotiating with school about taking some online APs, will be taking Calc 2/3 at local state university along with either Physics or Chem.</p>
<p>Significant ECs:</p>
-flute player - grade 6-11
-District/State Solo and Ensemble Competitions - flute solo and woodwind ensemble 10
-Dorian Honor Band at Luther College 11
-likely member of (city near where I live) Youth Symphony Orchestra 11
-Show Choir 11</p>
<p>Girl Scouts:
-12 year member - since kindergarten
-Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards 7 9 11
-was a Counselor in Training for three weeks for the past two summers at the regional Girl Scout camp 9,10</p>
-Local library - about 10 hrs/week 11</p>
-Academic Decathlon - Individual Regional Champion (Social Science category) 11
-Varsity Track and Field (9 10) - will likely have to quit because of job
-applying to two summer programs (Carnegie Mellon Diversity AP/EA and the non-Harvard SSP), so hopefully I will get into one. </p>
<p>I want to go into a science field, currently most interested in Computer Science. I'm looking for overall strong science schools and, if possible, schools that also have a strong music/theater program.</p>
<p>Size/location is not a huge concern, but cost will likely be. Also looking for some 100% need and/or good merit aid schools. </p>
<p>Any suggestions? Please and thank you :)</p>