<p>The type of schools I see myself at are:</p>
<p>SUNY Geneseo
Bowdoin College
Bates College
Hampshire College
Bennington College
Bard College
Skidmore College
Eugene Lang</p>
<p>Sadly, most of these are reaches or match/reaches.</p>
<p>My stats are:</p>
<p>GPA: 92.9 Unweighted 95.6 Weighted
SAT: 570CR/690M/640W
Top 15% of Student Body
E/Cs: Solid List, lots of community service, Honors Society, etc.</p>
<p>What other schools are there, similar to those listed? I really like the type of students these schools attract, and am looking for an intellectual environment. </p>
<p>What I really need to know, though, is which can I get into, and what are some safer schools like these?</p>
<p>P.S.: How are my chances at the schools that don't require the SAT? (ie Bates, Bowdoin, Bard) I wrote what I would consider a very uniqe and creative essay (not trying to brag or anything) and think it would help me stand out.</p>