Looking for suggestions for CS/physics schools

Love this forum, so crowdsourcing to make sure I have a good list.
Looking for suggestions for a CS/physics school for the kid described below! He’s currently a high school junior.

The kid:
Public school student in the PNW.
Strong student w 4-0 gpa, lots APs, 1540 SAT.
Self taught CS w lots of solo projects and a couple of internships/big projects.
Outdoorsy, likes hiking and camping.
Extrovert, funny, likes parties/lots of friends.

Ideal school in his words:
Small classes, know professors
Collaborative not competitive, group projects
Warm climate if possible
Near hiking/stuff to do (within an hour)
Not so much prescribed curriculum-wants freedom to choose classes. Some writing and liberal arts welcome, but not too much prescribed core.
For the purposes of making this list, budget isn’t a consideration.

What fits the bill? Looking for reach, match options.
Thanks all.

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