Looking For The Best Use of Limited Summer Time

<p>I recently came back from a vacation that I have been on since the beginning of the summer, and have about three weeks until I leave on an exchange program in Europe, and I'm looking for the best use of the free time left in my summer. It's too late to sign up for most, if not all summer courses, because most seem to have started July 8th or earlier, or at least the ones I've seen here in NJ. Other than that I'm finding it hard to find something that would be enjoyable and look good on a college application.</p>

<p>Any suggestions would be helpful, they just need to work in the time I have left free in the summer. I would really enjoy something related to programming for the summer, I have been programming in Python for a year or two now, mostly just making small games, but it would be nice to use it for something more worthwhile. Other than that, I am open to more general suggestions as well. I plan to major in business and computer science (dual major if available), so anything related to those would be great as well. Any ideas?</p>