<p>if you're online now and have a couple minutes, please read my essay and send me yours! i'll critique your essay and send it back within 30 minutes if you do the same with mine</p>
<p>just getting antsy about college and want some quick feedback...so many facebook statuses are about college acceptances guhhhhh</p>
<p>I don’t really have any essay for you to critique + I am too busy atm to critique maybe later</p>
<p>but just wanted to comment on so many fb status’ being about college acceptances it is really frustrating for me especially when I haven’t applied anywhere yet </p>
<p>Good luck with essay - i am editing mine right now</p>
<p>Yea I had a chance to apply early to my safety school but I would’ve had to submit a unedited essay which I probably should have done I would’ve most likely gotten in</p>