Looking to transfer to Ivy

I’m a current freshman at Hopkins, majoring in neuroscience.

In short, I can’t stay here. The social environment is really just not for me, and I just can’t get into the city of Baltimore.

I’d like to transfer to one of the following schools:

  1. UPenn Wharton
  2. Harvard (lol)
  3. Columbia
  4. Duke
  5. Yale
  6. UVA
  7. UMich

I’m well aware how incredibly difficult it is, but I have to try. I’m a neuroscience premed major with a ~3.85 GPA and I had a 1560 SAT in High School. I’m wondering what I should list as my reason for transfer. I can’t say the real reason, because that won’t get me in, but the academics at JHU isn’t far off the schools I’d like to transfer to. basically, what can these schools offer me that JHU will not in an academic sense? I was considering saying I’d like to go into Medical Management and the business opportunities and programs offered at JHU are not up to the standard of their natural sciences.

Also just to add, if I transferred I would be looking for a MolCell Bio major, or a BSMS program at Wharton.

“I can’t say the real reason, because that won’t get me in, but the academics at JHU isn’t far off the schools I’d like to transfer to. basically, what can these schools offer me that JHU will not in an academic sense?”

In order to have a shot at any of those universities, you should already know the answer to this question, for each and every one of them. You’re leaving a highly ranked school, so you want to transfer to one with the same or higher “prestige”, I understand, I truly do- but it seems that’s the only focus in your list.

In all honesty, you’re going to have an extremely difficult case to present because,
" if I transferred I would be looking for a MolCell Bio major"
is your reason for leaving one of the most research prominent colleges in the world for the biological sciences.

Give Johns Hopkins a chance. They believed in you when they offered you admissions, find your niche, you can do it.