<p>Hi. Im currently a freshman at a top Masters University in the South and have found that I dont like the social/intellectual atmosphere and would rather be in a city. I havent been in college long enough to know what my grades will be, but I predict that Ill get all As except perhaps a B or C in Calc I. Could anyone tell me if Im being realistic in the schools Im considering transferring to?</p>
<p>HS GPA: I cant remember the scaling, but I think it was around a 91-93% on a 100 scale.
SAT: 800v/580m/710w
SAT IIs: US History: 740, Eng Lit: 700, Math II: 500 (required for Cornell
HS ECs: Model UN, 4H, horseback riding, Fed Challenge (competitive economics presenting team), Newspaper, Academic Passport (year-long research project), Archeology camp, some volunteer work
APs: Eng Lit: 5, Euro History: 5, US History: 5, Macroeconomics: 3, Microeconomics: 3, Spanish Lang: 2
Recognition: National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation, AP Scholar with Distinction </p>
<p>College GPA: Dont know yet, but hopefully between a B+ and an A
ECs (so far): College Democrats, Model UN, a student-run movie production team
Classes: 1st Semester- Bio 101, Calc I, Global (required freshman course), Intro to Archeology. Winter term: required Fellows research class. 2nd Semester (planned): College writing, Population Bio, Intro Psych, 300 level Euro History course.
Recognition: Part of the competitive College Fellows program (kind of like an honors program, puts a focus on undergrad research)</p>
<p>Prospective schools: Cornell School of Human Ecology (guaranteed transfer), Georgetown, UPenn, USC, NYU, UChicago
Planned Major: maybe English, but most likely History, except in HumEc- Social Human Development</p>
<p>Im afraid that I wont be a competitive transfer applicant because Im taking so many courses in areas that Im not the best in and Im afraid that my recs might not be stellar. However, I hoped that taking these courses would demonstrate that I want to try to improve the areas that I was weak in during HS. I felt like my lopsidedness hurt me during freshman admissions.</p>
<p>Are there any other schools that I should look at as prospective History major? I'm also interested in film and creative writing.</p>