<p>As the title says I'm a 3.0-3.2 gpa student with avg sat scores and 7 honors courses/ 3 ap courses. Im kind of lost in the sense of it seems like every school im interested is a reach at best. I'm kind of leaning towards the middle to large schools so if anyone has some suggestions or can state where they got in with similar stats please post. </p>
<p>Other info about me: 2 years of v football (captain as a senior)
3 years of v baseball (captain as a senior)
Work as a busser. At a restraunt
Community service at a food pantry
( attending a catholic high school if it means anything)</p>
<p>Sorry I know the spelling is terrible I'm writing from my phone</p>
<p>What you’re facing is not as bad as you think; here’s why things seem bad
This is from a book I highly recommend called “Admission Matters”. Rather than hoping for names to appear on this website, spend some time reading thru a good book on admissions such as this one to understand the factors college use in selecting students. And, more importantly, to find colleges that are a fit for you. You have many more choices than you realize, as long as you don’t have your heart set on a college everyone else wants too.</p>
<p>^^ I agree - I think there are plenty of schools you could get into. While this site has a lot of good info., it would sometimes lead you to believe that everyone has a 4.0 and perfect scores. </p>
<p>Since you were a 3 year varsity baseaball player, do you have plans on playing in college - have you been recruited or gone to any showcases? There are some excellent DIII programs. coming from a catholic HS could also help with some of the catholic schools. </p>
Texas Tech:match
UConn: Reach
University of Missouri Columbia: low match
Texas A&M: low reach
Baylor: Reach
University of Minnesota: reach
UMass: match</p>
<p>What state are you located? Some of these may be too costly as an out-of-stater, so if we knew your state that would help with ideas. You will definitely have some great options though, so don’t worry. Maintain your GPA, keep up the EC’s and add more, write good essays, and you will be fine! </p>
<p>Adelphi University (NY)
Alfred University (NY)
Arizona State U.
Bowling Green State (OH)
Bridgewater State (MA)
Depaul U. (IL)
Drexel U ¶
George Mason U (VA)
High Point U. (NC)
Ohio University
Old Dominion U. (VA)
Ohio Wesleyan (VA)
Virginia Commonwealth U.
Pace U. (NY)
Radford U. (VA)
Rider U. (NJ)
Shenandoah U. (VA)
Sonoma State U. (CA)
U. of Alabama
U. of Arizona
U. of Cincinnati
U. of Dayton
U. Mass Amherst
U. North Carolina Greensboro
U. of Vermont
Valparaiso U. (IN)
Wittenburg U. (OH)</p>
<p>Think you have a good shot at trying for an athletic recruit too --read your other posts! Read up on all these threads and figure out which schools in the northeast you want to target:</p>
<p>I meant that I read your other posts, I’m not telling you to read your other posts, lol! I have a bad habit of leaving out words in my responses…I am really trying to work on not doing that anymore.</p>
<p>Just FYI, UMass Amherst is no longer the safety school for the B student. Lots of kids in Mass, who have grown up thinking, I’ll just go to UMass, weren’t able to get in this year, even with better GPA’s. Lots of shocked students here who now are scrambling to figure out what to do!</p>
<p>okay thanks alot for all the posts. Im going to try to answer everything at once lol
annasdad- i live in the suburbs of new york city</p>
<p>proudwismom- im quite lucky and grateful that my parents are able to afford and willing to pay for me to go where ever i choose to go. And im looking to study business along with pre law (i know its not a major)</p>
<p>tellch00- yes i am very interested in playing but i realy would like to go to a good school to play baseball. So if you have some suggestions for some d2 or d3 school please let me know im currently searching for some matches there.</p>
<p>haha thanks seattlebulldog and jkiwmom your lists are extreeeemmely helpful. I actually just visited Umass last week and absolutly loved it. If baseball doesnt work out it would be my first choice with out a doubt.</p>
<p>hopefully this thread can help others who are in the same range as me</p>
<p>Yes, B&N carries it according to the “purchase” link on the book website. Amazon does, too, as do several other bookstores. Best of luck to you.</p>
<p>No I’m north of the city. And when I say good school I mean academic. I no I’m not going to play in the major leagues so I would rather use baseball to go to a good school with a not so great baseball team</p>
<p>OP – you left out your SAT score, but I found it on another thread you authored. </p>
<p>SAT: Currently 1700
GPA: 3-3.2 with hard course load – Class rank unknown
ECs: Strong leadership and time managment</p>
<p>Given the above, There are a TON of quality universities that would be matches for you.</p>
<p>Concentrate on the USNWR Uni range of 75-150, and the LAC range of 50-100.</p>
<p>P.S. When giving GPA, it is very helpful to know how difficult your school is, your class rank, and whether the GPA you list is weighted, or unweighted.</p>
<p>PPS: If your baseball skill is attractive to some less competitive DI and DII and DIII schools, and the coach would like you on the team as a projected starter, you can change the range I gave above to:</p>
<p>Uni 50-100, and LAC 25-75.</p>
<p>If a team has you on their radar as one of their top 2-3 recruits for a given year, you can essentially bypass admissions office altogether. With your stats, there are only about 10 schools in the country that would block a prized recruit in the admissions office – if you are a prized recruit.</p>
<p>@mom: I realize that the average incoming GPA for U of Mass is in the higher B range and that it’s not a safety! Not sure how that came across --it’s around a 3.5 gpa accepted avg. I simply meant that if he wanted to use an athletic hook and shoot high, that U of Mass would be a great choice to target. Just seemed like the perfect fit for him.</p>
<p>Your EC’s for baseball looked really good on paper, so don’t sell yourself too short! That may just be your ticket :)</p>
<p>“the LAC range of 50-100” Dunnin, I don’t think the OP will find a business major at an LAC, which is what he wanted to major in. Are there any that do?</p>
<p>If looking at LAC’s, this is a good list for you, but keep in mind that this is only the top 50 LAC profiles. Many will be out of your range, but maybe you can narrow them down and find more:
[COLLEGIATE</a> BASEBALL PROFILES](<a href=“Welcome academyelite.com - BlueHost.com”>Welcome academyelite.com - BlueHost.com)</p>
<p>@Slummom-yes, just checked and Ohio Wesleyan and Dickinson do offer Int’l business, Econ, and Accounting. I didnt have time to search through the rest. But I know what you are saying --a bigger university seems more on the business track. But seems the LAC’s do offer it, but yeah maybe not the majority (?) I have no idea.</p>