<p>So there's a good possibility that I've lost my acceptance packet to one of my top schools (HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!) in the pit of doom I call my house, and I've looked for in all the obvious/sane places, but can't find the darn thing. I am not sure yet whether I'll attend that school, but either way, I need to know what to do. Should I call them up and say "Oops, I had a complete idiot moment." ?</p>
<p>Any advice (for going about this issue) would be appreciated!</p>
<p>You won't be the first student to lose an acceptance packet. You won't be the last. Just call or e-mail them, apologize for losing it, and ask them to send you another. It's really not a big deal. Everyone makes mistakes.</p>
Get your mom to call them and say that she actually threw it out with the trash. Then it wouldn't be your fault.
<p>the annoying thing is thats something my mom would do. God knows how many important college related papers i lost over the years because my mom thought it was unimportant.</p>
<p>I have gone out into the recycling bin to retrieve things MY mom has recycvled...I have learned to put any college stuff in a special bin in Ds room if it is left anywhere in the house...it is to easy to lay a newspaper on it and grab it when picking up</p>
<p>My D have lost things, and I could very well have recycled it, so they just say I did...matters not</p>