<p>I don't know any more I find myself always alone, stressed, isolated, and some what ostracized from my friends and life. I try talking to one of my friends about my problems and he says hes sick of me taking out all my problems on him even though all i wanted to do is talk and someone to listen I just don't know anymore I guess im just sick of all the crap I have to put up with and at times life in general. I guess i just needed to vent i don't know</p>
<p>You can PM me anytime if you want to talk, :)</p>
<p>Blogging helps a lot. Sometimes I use my blogs to vent, and it's much better than taking out bottled up emotions on others. You can make it private if necessary. Most often, you can talk yourself through your own problems.</p>
<p>Yeah, blogging is good. It helps get rid of the crazy.</p>
<p>Watch the TV show LOST....then look at yourself...ARE YOU REALLY LOST?</p>
<p>Just make sure that no one knows about your blog, or else keep it on like super-private. Some sticky situations could arise otherwise.</p>
<p>yeah, blogging will help.
With certain entries, you should choose private option ;)</p>
<p>You sound depressed. While almost everyone gets depressed occasionally, if you feel 'stuck,' and you find yourself isolated and friends withdrawing, it may be that you need to get some extra help to pull out of it. You might want to talk to your doctor or another mental health professional about this. Keep in mind that depression, like any other illness, is something that you can fight with lifestyle, drugs, therapy-any number of ways: But its hard to know what the best way is for you if you don't talk to someone who is knowledgable about it. And blogging about it is probably not the best solution. And don't wait until it becomes unbearable either...it you can identify that you are unhappy and don't know how to fix it, that is a good enough starting point for a discussion with someone who can help.</p>
<p>Yeah I also recommend blogging and LOL at Sheed's comment (definitely my fav show ever!)</p>
<p>i vent SO much on my livejournal...</p>
<p>you don't necessarily <em>have</em> to make it private, though...</p>
<p>i just tell everyone who reads my entries that its MY journal, so if they dont want to hear what I have to say then they can stop reading.</p>
<p>Can you talk to your parents about it? We parents can be good listeners and we really care about you and what you're going through. Have you given your parents a chance?</p>
<p>^ works unless the parents are the problem lol (ex. in Alchoholic Families)</p>
<p>What exactly is wrong?</p>
<p>For years now I have gone through those prolonged periods of solitude and unbearable loneliness. Loneliness follows me were ever I go. Theres no escape. The only advice I could give, is fill your time with hobbies that provide a temporary escape. And avoid the temptation of drugs and alcohol.</p>