I’m in my 2nd semester of college. I hate my major, I hate college, and I hate the majors that I’m forced to choose from. I’m currently a Construction Management major but I wanna change it. I’ve narrowed down my options to 3 majors; Business, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.
Problem with the engineering ones is that they all require advanced math, chemistry, and physics; three things I failed in high school.
I wanted to do business, but from what I’ve read online, a business degree is as useful as a car with no tires.
What should I do? Is business really that bad of a major?
I personally have made a great living with a business major. You need to get out and try to get some internships and experience while in school.
I was or well sort of still am in the same boat as you. Except, I am more interested in art-related but always heard an art degree is useless. Personally, I didn’t take art,photography or anything similar because there aren’t any good art schools where I live. So, that left me with thinking between education or business major. I choose to go along the path of a business related degree (still thinking on what concentration,btw I am also bad at math…so practice is the only way to go). I’ve also heard “business degree” is not worth it but I figured out why people tend to say that. They say it because business is a general degree and it would be better to choose something more specific, such as accounting,economics or engineering. If you can handle engineering, I’d say go for it. But, I don’t think a business major is useless and it all depends on you. Don’t expect to just major in business and land a job right away, after all I think a lot has to do with the individual and their attitude,experiences etc. Also, try it out for yourself go to indeed and check out requirements, you’ll see how many jobs state “Education preferred: Bachelors in Business or something related”.
No, business is not that bad of a major. But, it’s not enough to just take classes – a good business department will have career building services including resume help, internship help, practice interviews, etc. Large business schools like IU have their own career and placement services or advisors above and beyond the university one.