Lots of 4 room suites in RC S N

<p>^^^Hey, guys, not nice! I’m hands off compared to Dad and Grandpa!</p>

<p>BTW–LOL re Montegut & moi. :D</p>

<p>I have OCD, so that explains a lot. I take meds (Luvox), and that works wonders, but I still worry a lot! Luvox is a miracle drug, though…you shoulda seen me before I started taking it, LOL!</p>

<p>^^ Montegut–LOL!</p>

<p>Are they still setting aside rooms for NMF people this year in Ridgecrest? I paid my housing deposit late(just 2 weeks ago), and I’m worried I won’t get one of the super suites.</p>

<p>Also, just to be sure, people in the honors program get to pick housing with the living-learning community, right?</p>

<p>Burger: Are you NMF?
No worries: NMF’s will get honors housing, just don’t know where. UA housing sets aside rooms for NMF’s and yes, it will be a “super” suite.</p>

<p>There is still one more “pick” time for honors folks that deposit before April 1. The date to chose your room should be April 12 from 6-10pm CST. You did, so you should be fine. </p>

<p>Plus they do hold rooms for NMFs.</p>

<p>Yes, I’m NMF.
Glad to know I’m guarenteed a nice dorm.</p>

<p>Thanks for the answers, can’t believe that I got 2 answers in 6 mins. Amazing forum.</p>

<p>Welcome to the forum. Where are you from? What’s your intended major?</p>

<p>Welcome Burger! If you have any questions, I suggest you look over some of the current and even past threads. Any other questions feel free to just ask.</p>

<p>I think you will always get quick answers but if not, please be patient with us.
And always, always listen to Mom2ck -she is the definitive answer base here. :)</p>

<p>Best of Luck and may I be the first to say “Roll Tide” to you…</p>

<p>There are still rooms being held in Riverside North for NMF.</p>

<p>Welcome incoming freshmen - Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I think DS will stick with his room in Riverside East after all. It’s a D room, so should be quiet. And so far he is in touch (via Facebook) with two of his prospective roommates. They sound like really nice guys. Both have more than 800 FB friends…holey moley!! How does a guy acquire 800 FB friends? DS is not very active on FB so has far fewer FB friends. He’s very sociable in RL but not so much on FB. Speaking of which–took a sneak peek at DS’s open FB page yesterday. (I know…baaaaad mamma.) Most of his friends are well behaved, but one of his church youth group friends, no less, drops the F-bomb in every other sentence. I may politely request that he quietly unfriend her. At least by the time he’s ready to apply to law school. :o</p>

<p>^^ There’s a Riverside North? And it’s for NMFs?</p>

<p>There is a Riverside East, West, and North. With the clubhouse they pretty much form a circle with a pool in the middle. East & West are Honors only and North is open to all students.</p>

<p>Ridgecrest has an East, West, and South (north tower and south tower). West is honors only and East is open to all students. South north tower is honors and South south tower is open to all students.</p>

<p>Lakeside has a East and West. West is honors only and East is open to all students and also the female engineering learning community.</p>

<p>Bryant Hall is the other suite dorm. It’s for male scholarship athletes (football & basketball primarily) and male engineering students only.</p>

<p>“DS is not very active on FB so has far fewer FB friends. He’s very sociable in RL but not so much on FB”</p>

<p>Sounds like my daughter and she’ll be in Riverside East!!!</p>

<p>^ COOOOL, BamaMom!! What floor? DS will be on 2nd. :D</p>

<p>NJBama–thanks for all the info. My head, she spins. I’m just glad DS is settled!</p>

<p>She’ll be on the third!</p>

<p>Waaaay cooooool! :D</p>

<p>I hope DS is as excited as I am, LOL. I think he is…now that it’s all starting to crystallize into kinda-sorta reality.</p>

<p>Tideman: what is his room number? I am currently in Lakeside West as well.</p>

<p>I don’t think this announcement from UA housing has been posted here yet:
“Honors Housing in Ridgecrest South
Based on the demand for Honors Housing, the 4th and 5th floors of Ridgecrest South have been added as Honors Housing. The entire north tower is now designated Honors, while the south tower of Ridgecrest South in non-honors community housing.”</p>

<p>How cool is THAT! Good luck everyone if you’re trying to make an exchange!</p>