Lots of 4 room suites in RC S N

<p>It’s open.</p>

<p>Just noticed that they are on the 4th floor. Pretty sure it is NOT honors.</p>

<p>Alas, DS’s pick time is not till 7 p.m. Central – so 8 p.m. our time.</p>

<p>At the last minute, two very cool-sounding guys (poli sci majors) contacted DS, asking to be pulled in. So he’s set with two simpatico roommates. Only thing that bothered me: They specified certain dorms, which struck me as a tad bossy. (Well, one of them did this…) Fortunately, DS is very laid-back and does not care which honors dorm he’s in. But still, I don’t like to see him pushed around…</p>

<p>BTW–how does one pull in roommates? There’s supposedly a video tutorial about this, but we can’t find it. And the WIMBA tutorial won’t play on our system…</p>

<p>Hellp! :slight_smile: </p>


<p>your son should not allow himself to be pushed around. if he is the one with the pick date, then he can say,“i was planning on picking this dorm. let me know if you want me to pull you in.”</p>

<p>some of the guys last year were pretty much tools around room pick time. not here, but on FB groups and such. even on here there was someone who had an issue with guys trying to push her son into doing what THEY wanted with no regard for what was best for the one being asked.</p>

<p>He’ll need their proxy codes and last names. Once he selects his room, he can click the tab that shows his housing assignment and then click the link there to add roommates to his room.</p>

<p>Your son might just want to put himself in an open space and see what happens. He does have to live in the room for a year, so he should choose what he wants, within reason, of course. :)</p>

<p>Best of luck in the housing selection process and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thanks, MikeW!! You make EXCELLENT points.</p>

<p>These guys seem as if they’d be simpatico with DS – but if they’re pushy, well, who wants a pushy roommate???</p>

<p>SEA_tide–he has all that stuff. And THANKS for the roommate pull-in info!!</p>

<p>Well, trying to pull in those roommates ended up hurting DS. He didn’t get his first pick (Riverside West, 4th floor) because he’d been searching for 3-room spots. Which were impossible to find!! Riverside rooms were available – but when he returned from his fruitless effort to find 3-room spots, all the Riverside suites were full.</p>

<p>He’ll be in Ridgecrest East with kids he doesn’t know from Adam. Well, at least he’ll be close to ten Hoor Hall!!</p>

<p>My son logged in at 7:00 pm central and found nothing available at all. Did he do something wrong</p>

<p>Is Riverside East an Honors Dorm? Everything filled up so Fast!!!</p>

<p>Ridegrest East isn’t an honors dorm. But it has been very quiet every time I’ve been in there when visiting my lil bro. He’s enjoyed his stay there very much this year and he says they don’t have near the problems that he hears Ridgecrest South experiences.</p>

<p>TideMan – I am so sorry! Everything seemed to go at the speed of light. But goodness gracious, they have to provide housing for these poor kids somewhere. This is crazy. (And way too stressful.)</p>

<p>Just realized DS is in RIVERSIDE East, not Ridgecrest. I always get those two mixed up. Hope he’s still close to his classes.</p>

<p>Found one of his prospective roomies on Facebook. The giant mug of beer on the table (in the profile pic) did not inspire confidence, LOL.</p>

<p>Yes, NJBama – it was * Riverside *East. I got mixed up. Only the honors dorms pop up when an honors college kid logs in…</p>

<p>Ok, I just didn’t want you to think he was in an honors dorm and then find out he wasn’t. Even though I still think Ridgcrest East is a great dorm for anyone.</p>

<p>Don’t fret. Spaces in other buildings always open up as kids change plans. If you don’t get your first choice then keep looking every day until you get something you like.</p>


<p>Why is this whole process sooooo stressful? Have you read Crazy U? Highly recommended. Puts it all into perspective. (Funny, too.)</p>

<p>We have repeatedly put in all possible choices and found nothing. Does every single thing about going to college have to be so painful?</p>

<p>S and I stressed out too. Didn’t know there were certain floors to know and by the time we looked it up they were snapped up.</p>

<p>S just switeched from Riverside East (2 bedroom)to Ridgecrest West (4 bedroom. Was this a good move?</p>

<p>Last year was 100 x worse when there was major computer server failure on the first selection day. Luckily my lil bro got in and got his first choice before they shut the process down. Many others on here were not so fortunate.</p>

<p>I think that’s a very good move kmwjes. Sea_Tide lived in Ridecrest West and spoke very highly of it on here. My lil bro lives in Ridecrest East and he enjoys it as well.</p>

<p>Very convenient to Lakeside dining, ferguson center and the west side of campus.</p>

<p>Thanks NJBama, S and I needed to know that. That was a crazy ride!</p>