Lots of 4 room suites in RC S N

<p>^^^Hear, hear!!</p>

<p>I had heard that housing might open up floors four or four and five to honors housing in Ridgecrest South. North Tower. Did you ask about floor five by any chance?</p>

<p>For those who wanted to but did not select floor four: call housing today and explain why you did not select based on housing page info and see if they can make the change for you. It is worth a shot. Let us know.</p>

<p>what a great board, thank you for all your active input!!</p>

<p>kmwjes - Add our son (Texas) to the freshman coming in to Riverside West. On the Riverside West thread we named a lot of our kids who will be there. Our son is OOS also and the three guys he is rooming with are from MI, FL, and SC.</p>

<p>It seems to be a really positive experience for the kids that were there this year according to their parents. Like you, I think this is a terrific board and appreciate all the parental input. </p>

<p>All - I understand that a new dormitory is opening across from Riverside North next fall so it looks like even bigger and better opportunities are coming. Does anyone have any news on that?</p>

<p>I just called Housing and got the runaround: “Well, he can apply at the next room selection date and see if he can get a room in RSW-N 4th floor.” Yeah, well, how is that any different from what he could do, anyway? Point is: They gave us false and misleading info, and we went on the basis of that, and now we’re up a creek.</p>

<p>Seems the decision to open up 4th floor was made at the LAST minute. It would have been nice if they had so much as HINTED that this was the case!!! We’re not clairvoyant.</p>

<p>I have a voice-mail in to Alysha Browne about this. </p>

<p>Can anyone reassure me re Riverside East? Does anyone’s kid room there?</p>

<p>I almost feel like crying at this point. Sorry for the pity-party. It’s been a bad week at work, and this just tops it off.</p>

<p>LadyDianeski- I understand that Ridgecrest is a goal for a lot of people – it was my roommate’s and my first choice, too, but we ended up in Riverside West. I don’t personally know anyone in Riverside East, but I know that it’s pretty similar to West, where a lot of people on this board live. I have only heard positive things about the Riverside complex in general. It has a pool, which I think will be really nice, and some other great benefits. I know you’re worried about the farther distance to your son’s classes, but I wouldn’t worry too much - nothing on campus is really far, as everyone on here will reassure you. If he decides that he’d rather be in Ridgecrest, there’s a good chance you might be able to find a spot during next room selection; if not, I’m sure your son will have a great experience in Riverside. Stop worrying…:slight_smile: there is not too much difference between all of the super suites; they all beat about 95% of college housing across the country!</p>

<p>^ OOps, I meant RCS - N. Man, this is all so confusing!!</p>

<p>The Ridgecrest dorms are in a straight line to ten Hoor Hall. Oh well. If DS ends up at Riverside, he’ll just have to stretch his legs a bit more. From the interactive map, it looks as if Riverside’s closer to all the sciencey stuff, but Ridgecrest is closer to the social sciences.</p>

<p>Could kick myself for not nabbing one of those RCS - N suites; could even have accommodated the two kids who want to room with DS. But how on earth was I to know that RCS - N was now open to Honors??? Feeling so frustrated…sorry for venting…</p>

<p>Thanks, Regina. I know I’m being too much of a worry-wart. Thanks for the reassurance!</p>

<p>Add my son also - Ridgecrest West…
kmwjes - what floor (room)? could be he’s thrown in with some of the upperclassmen here…</p>

<p>i doubt you will get anywhere with alicia browne. they might take care of you if you have a problem, but i don’t think they will see your issue as a problem.</p>

<p>you just need to log on every day room selection is open and try to move yourselves.</p>

<p>when the rcs-n rooms showed up, my first thought was that they must have declared that floor honors.</p>

<p>good luck.</p>

<p>when the rcs-n rooms showed up, my first thought was that they must have declared that floor honors</p>

<p>I thought so, too, but then folks here were warning against that interpretation, so I got cold feet! :o</p>

<p>Mike, I’m sure Alicia now thinks I am a whining, demanding, high-maintenance Helicopter Mamma. Oh well. She’s probably right.</p>

<p>I think I am more concerned about the three-roommates-he-doesn’t-know-from-Adam thing. And, to tell the truth, the stressfulness of the whole process gets to me, too. Everything that could go wrong did. He tried to pull in those other two guys who’d contacted him. That didn’t work out, and, as a result, he lost out on some great 1-room openings. And then the mix-up about 4th floor…one thing after another. Well, at least he got in somewhere. He may be rooming with a brat, a bully, and an ax murderer, but at least he’s got a suite, LOL!!</p>

<p>he and the brat can join forces with the bully and overtake the ax murderer. The three then write a screenplay about it which pays for grad school…</p>

<p>seriously though, those like my DS, SeaTide etc. who have continued to go random emphasizes how having your own room makes a lot of this irrelevant. You just never know who your friends are going to end up to be.</p>

<p>and I understand you’re just venting - so that’s ok too :)</p>

<p>ladydianeski - just keep checking. my daughter had a much later pick date last year and she is in RCS-N, but she wasn’t initially. also, about the roomies, my DD had one roomie “picked” from a FB group and two randoms (who were already BFFs). well, now the two randoms are her best friends and the “picked” one doesn’t have anything to do with the other three. so i wouldn’t worry about the randoms.</p>

<p>you seem to worry a lot. maybe you and montegut should be BFFs! : ) she worries a lot too!</p>

<p>^^LOL I was thinking the same =
LadyDi and Monte, sittin’ in a tree…</p>

<p>^ LOL I’m going to tell my mom to join this forum and she can get in with you guys…she is a HUGE worrier. That is why I’ve done all of this housing nonsense myself; I can easily go with the flow, and I know it’s a parent’s job to worry about everything.</p>

<p>Lady, my lil bro was in a suite with 3 randoms as well (actually the other 3 were all friends from HS) and it’s worked out just fine. He gets along great with all 3 of them and has been invited to their homes several times.</p>

<p>College is about learning. That includes learning how to adapt, compromise, and get along with others even if they are different than you. Sure one may get a roommate from hell every once in a while. But in a 4 room suite that’s less likely to be as big a problem as it would be in a traditional dorm room.</p>

<p>Riverside is no more than a 4 minute walk from Ridgecrest and it has a few amenities that Ridgecrest doesn’t have. One can really not go wrong with any of the super suite dorms. Stop stressing and start enjoying. Your son is in for the best 4 years of his life.</p>

<p>LadyDi: there was no real way to know based on the housing website and last year’s choices that Ridgecrest South North Tower (floor four) would definitely open for honors. That’s why I don’t post rumors…better to be safe than sorry. However, I can assure you that all the super suites are just that, super. As for room mates: my son is rooming with 3 individuals who hardly ever see each other. Their schedules are so varied that are not even around the suite at the same times (even at night). Seriously, don’t worry, at the next pick just sign on early and see if you can grab a room where you want. I wouldn’t bother about getting anyone else in at that time (if you really want to switch). Good luck and really all the honor dorms are relatively close to each other.</p>

<p>My son is in Riverside East. As a mechanical engineer, he likes that the dorm is quiet so he can study. He also applied late to Bama but we were surprised to find out that as an NMF, a room was set aside for him in Ridgecrest South North, 2nd floor. </p>

<p>Eventually, he switched to Riverside East to be closer to the engineering bldgs. He chose the first open room, from which he quickly felt pressured by upperclassmen suitemates to give it up for their friend. Not wanting to walk into a hostile situation as a freshman, DS moved to an empty room next door. </p>

<p>Ironically, he’s gotten to know the kids he was supposed to room with and are better friends with them than his current roommates, with whom he has minimal contact. He applied for a room transfer before Christmas when the kids next door invited him to take the empty room of one of the boys who was spending the spring semester abroad. Unfortunately, Housing assigned the room to a spring enrollment student, leaving my son sorely disappointed. </p>

<p>But my son’s experience has nothing to do with Riverside East, for which he seems to have no complaints. The roommates who leave trash laying around (think of the show, “Hoarders,” and you get the idea), yell loudly while playing video games at all hours of the night, bathrooms that look like a biology experiment gone very wrong, and one roommate who’s smoking something funny, are reasons that at this late stage, he’s asked to move to an empty room even for just the remaining weeks of the semester. And it had to happen to a kid who’s practically OCD about cleanliness. Luckily, he has his own room, which really is a big selling point for Bama.</p>

<p>He’s looking forward to next fall where he will be rooming with all mechanical engineers, hugely grateful to Montegut’s son, who pulled him in. Hubby and I are already calling that suite, “The Big Bang Theory” and son is definitely Sheldon :)</p>

<p>But I echo NJ’s post: part of moving away and living on your own is learning how to get along with all types of people. Adversity builds character. Nevertheless, we’re STILL trying to get him to see the positive aspect of this situation ;)</p>

<p>“as an NMF, a room was set aside for him in Ridgecrest South North, 2nd floor”</p>

<p>Gosh—DS is an NMF, too. How does one find out about those “set-aside” rooms?</p>

<p>Thanks so much, y’all! Right now, I am not so much worrying as kicking myself – since we did see all those RCS N rooms pop up when we logged in initially but deliberately did not click on one. So frustrating!! I’m trying to trust to Providence, but what if Providence was trying to give me a kick in the butt and I didn’t get the hint?</p>

<p>I’m glad to hear there are a lot of engineering students in Riverside East. I’m getting a very good impression of engineering students. (Well, except for the “Hoarders” ones, LOL.)</p>