<p>I wish I found love in high school, genuine love for the opposite sex. Unfortunately, high school is based upon the concept of superficiality, at least in my high school. I see so many beautiful visages that walk pass me without acknowledging my existence in any possible way. Can I cry for that? Is that fair? I just loathe how life is majorly based on appearance, rather than character. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....</p>
<p>I must say, American Eagle does make one stand out from the crowd...eh.</p>
<p>And why not maybe make them acknowledge your existence? And lol at your describing them as “beautiful” and then bemoaning the emphasis people place on superficial characteristics.</p>
<p>Does the American Eagle bit refer to anything? 'Fraid I don’t quite catch on, haha. It’s probably the source of your silly little text and I now look rather foolish, but whatever…</p>
<p>for seclude60: a genuine <em>hug</em> …high school can suck a bit and all but you’ll find your genuine love later…hormones are raging right now lol …people will become more sensible sooner or later.</p>
<p>“I just loathe how life is majorly based on appearance, rather than character. … … … … … … … … …” ahhhhhh the motto of people who are ugly and have weak characters…</p>
<p>Btw, cry, and come back and try to improve your appearance by working out and getting more toned, increasing your sexyness level by thousand and if that doesn’t work, find solace and refuge in the fact that there are always two creatures on this planet that have and will always be there for you, pikachu and Jesus Christ.</p>