<p>Hello, I've done searches here and on Google and I've seen this basic idea addressed, but most of the threads are older and not quite what I'm looking for. So yeah, forgive me for rehashing something that's a frequent subject but I'm kinda freaking out here.</p>
<p>Anyway, I just got my GRE scores back. I got a 710 V, 680 Q, 4 AW. I want to apply for Grad School for the Fall 2010 term, but my AW score has me worried. I graduated with Highest Honors from Emory (Religion major/Asian Studies minor) with a 3.6 GPA (3.9 in my major) and I should have good recommendations. I have a solid number of extracurricular activities and a lot of work experience. I should also have strong recs. I won the Beardslee prize for best paper on Religion by an Emory student in 2008/9 school year. Apparently, the GRE uses a very different set of criteria to judge by...</p>
<p>Knowing everything else to be of competitive quality for Harvard Divinity, that was one of the places I was planning on applying. Also, that's where all three profs who wrote recs for me went. But...does a 4 AW raise too big of a red flag for that to even be worth my time/money? </p>
<p>Thanks in advance.</p>