Low gpa after first semester as a nursing major

Hi… so I’m a first year nursing major trying but after completing my first semester doing only gen Ed’s my gpa is relatively low and I’m certain I’ll be put on academic probation. I’m worried that I’ll be removed from the nursing program as well. I’m concerned because I really want to study nursing but I put my academics at risk this semester and I have no idea what’s going to happen now. Has anyone else experienced this at all? I just want to know what happened with your experience or if anyone has any advice please leave a response.

Don’t worry about nursing. Focus on what you can do to turn your academic performance around… there are plenty of nurses who did not start out in a program leading to a BSN. Your priority right now should be on understanding why you didn’t do as well as you thought you wree doing… Can you reach out to your advisor and schedule time with the professors whose classes you struggled in?


One thing that entering freshman don’t understand: the pace of college. Classes are rapid and the workload is tough because it’s increased. Math and science courses are tough plus everyone around you, is a strong student.

One way to get on top of it, and to prevent from feeling overwhelmed, is by going to the University Help Center tutors, so that you can help to understand what’s expected in your classroom. These are typically grad students, who have taken classes by those particular professors, and they help you to understand how the tests may be designed and how you have to study. Your priority has to be your grades, or you can be academically dismissed.

Plus, time management skills really need to go into play during a new college experience . Setting aside time to do your household chores, live with different people, eat on a different schedule, and basically trying to find time to study is very difficult. My roommate and I used to do our laundry on Friday nights because the rest of the week was always booked. So we sat on the dryers, and listened to our music, and would read over our notes and make notecards.

If you want to be a nurse you’re priority has to be studying as the top activity.

I agree that you should make an appointment to talk to academic advisor before the next semester. Clearly you need to improve your studying but they might also give some course taking advice (what to take, what to postpone) to try to get GPA up.