<p>currently a junior.</p>
<p>so, freshman year was rough for me.
i had a GPA of 2 freshman year.
but i began to get things together since my second year.
My sophomore year GPA was 3.7
and currently, my GPA for the junior year is a 4.0</p>
<p>SAT Reading - 610
Math - 800
Writing 680
SATII - I didn't take any yet, but I will be taking Physics, Math II, and US History and/or Chemistry </p>
<p>I'm currently taking APUSH, AP Physics B, Math analysis(math team), and Honors pre-calculus
Next year, i will be taking AP Physics C, AP Economics, and AP Calculus BC</p>
<p>I'm interested in Engineering and/or business schools in the East.
So... any suggestions as for my limits/reaches?</p>
<p>Your state flagship probably makes most sense. Not many on the E. Coast will be out of your reach. Yet you probably don’t have the stats to get much money from a school outside your state if that matters. What is your college budget?</p>
<p>i havent discussed the budget with my parents, yet. but i dont think it’ll be that much.</p>
<p>depends hugely on your ethnicity</p>
<p>Pookiflash —
The good news: most schools only take into account your GPA for sophomore and junior year… so keep up the good work and do well senior year too… some schools require first semester grades.
The bad news: to be really competitive, you should try to get your SAT scores up in the areas that are lower.
Goooood LUCK!</p>
<p>mclaxton: thanks! =)
kablam237: would being an asian help by any mean?</p>
<p>er… being asian would definately not help you on the west coast 
since there are so many smart asians- colleges around here tend to accept only the highest of asian applicants and accept white/black/hispanic/etc. students with lower GPAs over asian students… I would suggest that you either mark “Other” in the ethnicity category or “no comment” if you are applying on the west coast. Colleges just have certain ‘quotas’ of diversity they like to fill.</p>
<p>is cooper union too much to aim at my situation?</p>