<p>OK, so I'm creating my "short list" right now, and because I have a low GPA compared to the rest of my stuff, I would like to have your opinions. On the scattergrams for all of my schools I'm well into the green for SATs but a little low for grades.</p>
<p>ETA: I'm going to be a senior this year! </p>
<p>My schools (I think):</p>
<p>Brown (hahaha. I like to dream.)
Hampshire College
Vassar College
<p>*I'm a white female who attends a prestigious private school in DC.
*My weighted GPA is a 3.65
*My SATs are 780 CR, 770 Math, 720 Writing, for a 1550/2270 total.
*I have been an active member in the Hugh Obrien Youth Leadership Organization (HOBY), and have a board position in the alumni assosciation
*I dance preprofessionally, and would be a dance minor at college
*I do tech for my school's theater, and--we're good. I've also ASM'ed professional dance performances.
*I'm the fiction editor for my school's Scholastic-award winning lit mag, and I was published in it this past year.
*My AP grades are: Bio 5
US 5
English Language 4
*My SAT II's are: Math II 750
US 750
Spanish 630 (urrrgh.)</p>
<p>So, I think my GPA is a little odd for the rest of what I do, and I was wondering if the schools I mentioned would probably accept me. As you can probably tell, I'm applying to artsy schools, and I want to major in Film Production or Theater Production. What do you think? Do my tests help or hurt me? What about my extra curriculars?</p>