Low GPA, High ACT. Help?

<p>Im struggling deciding where to apply. Here are my stats</p>

<p>GPA: 3.3/3.4 GPA
Hooks: Mexican, Low-Income, First Generation
EC: Vice President of ASB, CSF member, Head Chair of Winter Formal Committee, Director of Assemblies and Pep.</p>

<p>I think i have a pretty good essay explaining my low GPA, wrote about how I lived in a domestic violence shelter and struggled my freshman year. I have an upward trend ending junior year with a 4.1.</p>

<p>Thinking about taking 2 SAT subject tests. Literature and Bio.</p>

<p>Which CSU's? Which UC's? Do I have any shot for Berkeley or Stanford?</p>

<p>Stanford is a reach for everyone including perfect test scores and GPA even with an amazing essay.
UCB is more holistic but I still think it is a reach with GPA.</p>

<p>For UC’s, consider UCD/UCI/UCSB as High Match/Low Reach (ACT score great/ GPA so so, again essay may give you a boost)
UCSC: Match
UCR: Low Match</p>

<p>Hispanic is not a hook for UC’s and CSU’s due to the banning of affirmative action but First Generation will help. Upward trend in your GPA will definitely help.</p>

<p>CSU’s to consider would be Cal Poly SLO (depending on major), SDSU, SJSU and CSULB. SLO will be the most difficult, but you are a Match for the rest.</p>

<p>Good Luck.</p>