<p>I found out that I have a low gpa as a biology major and it is my second year. My cum gpa is a 2.76 and my major gpa is a 2.4. I wanna go to graduate school as a physical therapist, but at this point it seems very unlikely. It is very frustrating because before fall quarter my gpa was a 2.9 and I thought I was making progress. I have no idea what to do. I am reconsidering being a biology major because my gpa is suffering from it, but I want a job in health care in the future.</p>
<p>You definitely have a shot at getting that GPA cumulative a minimum 3.0 for declaring your full bio major (cus we are pre-bio at the moment until we finish our pre-reqs at the end of our second year) and a 3.0 minimum for all four years to go to grad. school. Keep pulling through, just work hard and don’t let this get you down. YOu have two full quarters to push it up to declare your full Bio standing and 8 quarters for grad. school. </p>
<p>Worst comes to worst, I believe Environmental science comes close to bio requirements and it wouldn’t be hard to switch.</p>
<p>Fixing my post above because it wont let me edit anymore</p>
<p>to declare your bio full standing at the end of your second year, you must have a 2.0 ( pre-reqs alone and then pre-reqs and GEs combined) not a 3.0 which gives you much more leg room.</p>
<p><a href=“http://my.sa.ucsb.edu/Catalog/Current/Documents/Undergrad%20Major%20Sheets/Pre-Biological-Sciences-2010.pdf[/url]”>http://my.sa.ucsb.edu/Catalog/Current/Documents/Undergrad%20Major%20Sheets/Pre-Biological-Sciences-2010.pdf</a></p>
<p>you should be talking with an advisor about how this all is going to affect you. See [Health</a> Professions Advising :: Contact Information and Office Hours](<a href=“http://www.ltsc.ucsb.edu/health/contact.php]Health”>http://www.ltsc.ucsb.edu/health/contact.php)</p>
<p>As you know, GPA is very important but there are other steps you can take to strengthen your future application and talking with an advisor will help inform you about this.</p>
<p>Awesome research or internship experience might offset your low GPA. But most research opportunities require a minimum 3.0 GPA, even though sometimes exceptions are granted. You need to build good relationship with your professors and ask to be part of their research projects.</p>