Lowest Accepted GPA/SAT Stories to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI and UCSB

3.78 UC GPA Weighted, 2080 SAT Score, 32 ACT, accepted to Santa Barbara, Irvine, and Berkeley!

Good for you. 35 ACT and 800 math level 2 did nothing for me.

Accepted to: UCSC, UCSB, UCD
Waitlisted at: UCSD, UCB (later accepted and now attend UCB)
Rejected by: UCLA, UCI
UC GPA: 3.92
SAT: CR-680 M-630 W-720 Total: 2030
SAT II: Bio/E: 730 US: 690
AP Scores: pretty shit honestly… I passed them all, but there were a handfull of 3’s lol and a few better scores

Although I had pretty average (and below average for more selective) stats for UC’s, my extracurriculars were pretty strong (like 800+ hours of service) and my essays were alright

Either way, just posting because there is hope beyond just stats… in applying, Davis was my number 1 because I didn’t imagine Berkeley to even be possible, but hey it worked out!!! Don’t give up! Just try, if you have the means to do so:)

Lol I got into UCLA with a 3.2

For those of you with sub 4.0 UC GPA, what major did you apply for? Doesn’t that affect your chances?

@above Only if its engineering/CS/any other impacted major.

Weighted 3.6 SAT 1560 (all three subjects)
Accepted to UC Davis . I got a supplement questionairre which allowed me to give them recommendations.

Also I played soccer , basketball , track , wrestling , and volleyball in high school and I had 1 really good personal statement, the other one was just average.

For those that got in off of the wait list and had low stats, do you feel comfortable academically at your school?

@Ikg4answers I got waitlist for UC Davis, and then got accepted and I am currently attending. My stats were really low, GPA: 3.4 SAT: 1300 No AP’s (My school didnt provide any). It is true that I may be working harder than other students. But, I am comfortable with the classes that I am taking. My major is Biochemistry and molecular biology.

Thank you for your insight @DiegoTti

did you get into ucla?

@skywahlker Hey dude congrats! At that time did you were a out state undergrad or a in state?

Woah… I got accepted to UCD with 3.57 GPA (Unweighted) and 23 ACT… Since my school is a private religious school, it does not provide numerous extracurricular activities. The only reason I got accepted to UCD in Chemistry is my strong essays… Apparently, I would have put on a waitlist or get rejected due to low GPA and ACT scores… I want to point out that there is hope to get in even though you have low GPA or ACT/SAT scores… DO WELL on your essays :smiley:

My 35 ACT and 800 math level 2 didn’t do anything for me. Tests seem to be less and less meaningful

3.6 failed a class and got ucsd and ucd

uwUC GPA 3.1
ACT: 35
Told admissions departments in my essays exactly why I was going to be the next CEO of Jet Blue, and that I’m whatever the opposite of Picasso is.

Accepted to UCI and UCSB

Unweighted: 3.6x
Weighted: 4

SAT I: 1480/1600
SAT II: 790/730/710

I got into every UC. Matriculated at UC Berkeley 10 years ago. I also went to one of the most competitive high schools in the state.

I dunno if this thread is also for the transfer to share his story but I still want to share to you guys how excited and surprised I am when I got into UC Berkeley with a GPA 3.72 for Econ major… I have lost hope when UCLA rejected me and wanted to tell you guys that you need to believe in yourself. Anything could happen and others will know if you have worked hard for it. I really hope that you guys can be successful in the future and get into wherever dream school you have been striving for. Wish you all the best!!!

How did you get in. Please provide me some more information. I have 3.95 UC Gpa. What is your major. Thanks