Lowest Accepted GPA/SAT Stories to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI and UCSB

Please give us some admission insight. With 3.7 UC GPA

3.8 unweighted GPA, Mediocre ECs, 29 ACT, personally did not like my essays

Accepted into UC Berkeley

Ucsd is not the “lowest tier” school just FYI. It’s actually one of the top 4 UCs to go to in the nation. Not to mention a globally known.

I’m currently a senior with the following stats:
UW GPA: 3.17
UC GPA: 3.4

SAT score was: 1410 on the new SAT with an essay score of 18. Taking it once more in October, wanna get my sat score to high 1400’s.

I have over 100+ service hours, was a Youth rep in my city’s art council for a year, did competitive forensics (speech) for three years, and won a couple of tournaments. I’ve done classical Indian music for the past thirteen years, competed in national level tournaments and won. I have over 100 hours of volunteering as a preschool assistant on Sundays for our language school, and I’ve done track and field at school since freshman year.

Junior year, my GPA dropped second semester due to personal problems and financial hardships. I was also depressed because one of my friends had passed away due to suicide. The school I attend is very competitive and rigorous and I’ve taken honors classes and AP classes. I have a mix of A’s and B’s, but a few more B’s than A’s. I had a C in honors chem and AP chem, and hit my lowest in junior year when I received a D in ap chem second semester. This was a mistake I made, and I’ve since learned from it and I’m actually taking classes I can handle this year. I know the UCs don’t look at senior year grades, however. My worst grades were in chemistry in sophomore and junior year. I was taking honors math at the beginning of sophomore year and received a C, so I switched to college prep math and received a B+. I took college prep math in junior year also, and received a B+ both semesters. I’ve taken honors English all four years and received an A or B+ every year, and I’ve taken Spanish all for years, and received an A or B each year. I’m currently taking AP lit and AP Spanish and women’s studies, calc, gov/Econ, and drama.

I’m not majoring in science or math, but I will be majoring in Gender Studies because I want to be a lawyer one day. Do I have a shot at any of the campuses?? I live in California, so attending a UC would also help our financial situation and help me be closer to home. Any help would be appreciated.

@musicclover123, your GPA will be an issue for the UC’s since they are very GPA focused however, GPA is only one part of your application. Your test scores are competitive so along with EC’s and essays, all will be taken into consideration.

The Freshman admit rates by GPA have been historically fairly accurate in terms of possible acceptance chances but again this only one piece of your whole application. My advice is always apply widely and consider some Cal States along with the UC’s so you have options in the Spring.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 15%
UCSB: 14%
UCI: 13%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92%

I’m in my senior year and these are my stats:

UC unweighted GPA: 3.98 UC weighted: 4.56 – I will have taken 11 AP’s by the time senior year ends, and I’ve gotten 5’s on the APUSH and AP Psych exam, a 4 on AP World, a 2 on AP Physics, and a 3 on AP Lang. This year, I’m taking AP Human Geography, AP Gov, AP stat, AB calc, AP Lit, and AP Physics 2. So far, I have A’s in all my senior year classes except for AP Physics 2, but I’m planning to switch out of that and into AP Bio.

I got one B in geometry freshman year and the rest of my grades are A’s. I attribute this to the fact that I moved to a brand new school that year that was ten times harder than anything in my old school pyramid. For sophomore through senior year I went back to the high school that I was supposed to go to, so I was able to maintain good grades. Both schools are relatively good schools, though.

(New) SAT Score: 1330 with 16 on the essay, but I plan to retake soon and I’m aiming for 1470 with triple 8s on the essay.

I have two unconventional “part-time jobs”: I make online comics (although I don’t get paid very much) and I edit YouTube videos for a guy with about 100k subscriber, and I’m possibly taking up a managerial position for this huge YouTuber as well

EC’s: I write for two online entertainment magazines (I’m not sure if these count as EC’s because they’re not school programs), president/ founder of a hip hop dance club, model UN club secretary, key club since sophomore year, spanish national honor society, and I did recreational volleyball in freshman year

Community service: I volunteer at a local public broadcast TV station, I cut blankets for an animal shelter, and I help out at my church

Awards: I won 2nd place in my school national history day competition, was one of the 4 school nominees for the NCTE writing competition (not sure if this counts since I didn’t actually win the national competition), AP scholar with distinction

My friend who made it into UCLA last year thinks I have a decent chance, but I’m still concerned because her stats are better than mine (4.0 UW GPA and 5’s on pretty much all her AP exams except for physics, and the SAT score that I’m aiming for). She also had a ton of EC’s like volunteering at an elementary school and coaching a soccer team, she did track and field for 3 years, and she’s part of probably every single honor society you could possibly think of. She also had more conventional part-time jobs like working at a psych clinic and working in retail. We’re both from out-of-state, and she made it in as a psych/ pre-med major and I wanted to do communications, but apparently its closed, so I’m instead signing up as an English major, since I want to be a journalist.

My cousin (who is an in-state resident and got rejected at UCLA but accepted into UCR) had a much worse unweighted and weighted GPA / SAT score than me, did volunteer hours at a hospital, did band, did tennis for 2-3 years, and founded a robotics club thinks I’ll probably get in as well, but I’m still concerned.

What do you guys think? I’d appreciate any feedback on my chances, assuming that I write really good personal statements and essays.

Also, my friend who made it into UCLA sent in teacher recommendations and said that there was a separate essay section from the personal statements. I’m wondering, how exactly do people send in teacher recs and where is the separate essay section? And for those who received a supplemental, can you please explain how you received one/ qualified for one? Thanks.

Oh and some things I forgot to explicitly mention in my post: my friend took 10 AP’s and was an SGA officer, and my dream school is UCLA.

Anyone with these types of situations that got in under Computer Science/Computer Engineering majors? I’m sitting at a 3.6 GPA for 10-11 grade with 2 AP courses, 1310 on my SAT, and I’m also out of state. I’m starting to feel like I’ve got no real chance at getting into any of these schools under my selected majors

What also sucks is that I’ve taken religion courses that are part of my school’s curriculum and that doesn’t get considered into my GPA.

I am currently a Senior in High School. I am in the IB Program. I am interested in applying to UC Berkeley. I know my chances are low but I’ve heard stories of kids getting in with low GPA’s and low test scores and I want to understand what my chances of getting in truly are. I am also an out of state applicant from Florida. These are some of my stats:
SAT: 1370
SAT II: None
ACT: 28
UW GPA: 3.4363
W GPA: 6.5563
Extracurricular: Captain of my high school tennis team, Junior Representative of NHS in 11th grade, Senior Representative of NHS in 12th grade, Volunteer for Seeds of Hope (packing food for kids to take home on the weekends), Volunteer at local Hospital for three summers, 5K runs, Relay for Life, Dance Marathons, Recycling Club

Does anyone have any idea what my chances of getting into UCB business school would be. It seems like a long shot to me but based on this thread it seems as if anything is possible.

OOS is $60K per year. It is a public school funded by the state and its taxpayers. There is no financial aid for non-residents.
Your GPA, SAT and ACT are not competitive for Berkeley when compared to in-state applicants. Your grades have to be better since OOS students are held to higher standards and more competition.

I have a UW 3.4 and W 3.72 but a UC gpa of 3.04 what UC’s can I get into?? 26 ACT

@candylover132: Your stats make no sense with a UW of 3.42 and UC GPA of 3.04?? UC Merced might be the only option.

I was wondering if someone could chance me for UCD UCSB UCSC… I have a low ACT score but a higher GPA and come from a very prestigious public school ranked in the top 20 in California. My ECs are pretty good: I did school newspaper, was apart of 2 clubs every year of high school, soccer (for a club team), lots of community service, tutored a boy every week for community service as well, worked at an ice cream shop, internship this summer, etc. Applied as a an English major for each school (doubled in English every year but freshman)
UC GPA: 4.15 (took a community college class last summer)
Highschool GPA: 4.06
APs: 4 APs, 1 Honors
ACT: 26 but 11 on writing each time I took it if it matters at all
Essay: I feel pretty good about them
I know Davis and UCSB are a stretch with my score but let me know…
Also applied to UCLA and UCB just because but not expecting acceptance

@Soccergirl2232: you should start a chance thread instead

Hi guys!

I’m in the same boat. Crazy bad SAT and ACT. 1310 on OLD sat. 21 on ACT. High school GPA 3.0 maybe.

Current GPA: 4.0

EC’s: Outstanding

Easy: 10/10 personal and unique as they come.

If you took away high school I’m a dead ringer for basically any school. But add it in and I drop to a 50/50. Ugh.

I applied to UCLA, USC, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, and Syracuse.

I’m stressed to the max about my test schools and high school record. I’m a non-traditional student (25). I shouldn’t have to even send them.

I have a UC GPA of a 3.68 … I have a great storry, great extra curriculars, good essays and okay SAT score. How screwed am I?? I applied to UCB UCSB UCSD and UCD

Do you know what month you received the supplemental?

Who else in here received supplementals for UCB

@ethellou mind if I ask what ur UC GPA was and where u got accepted?