Loyola Chicago Ignatian Scholarship

Hey guys

So…does anyone know when this Ignatian scholarship decision is coming out? The thread in 2009 implies around now, but I don’t know if this is like UIC GPPA interviews (where they don’t send you anything, implying rejection), or if they send you an official rejection/acceptance letter. Anyone have any info on this? I tried emailing them, but its been 5 days and no response so…help please before my curiosity overtakes me :). Thanks!

We are still waiting here as well.

Ok forget I recieved an email just today ( lol my patience) that said this week or next week. Seeing that this week is drawing to a close, it seems more likely that we will get the email next week. Best of luck!

I got a phone call from admissions saying I got it!!

Nice! So you attending LUC?

Daughter is interviewing for Ignatian next week. Any tips? How many interview and how many are selected?

Does anyone know when we should expect to hear? I was thinking maybe today but next week is probably more likely.

I heard some people getting declines on Friday night, but I personally have not gotten anything yet… don’t know if thats a good thing or bad thing

How did they communicate the decline?


Rejected :frowning:

Yeah I got rejected also.