Loyola Chicago- Opinion please!

<p>Any opinion on Loyola U Chicago?
How about their School of Arts and Sciences?</p>

<p>Great school in an urban environment. Staff is super friendly and helpful. Dorms and food are outstanding!</p>

<p>Thanks Idavis.
Can someone tell me about their experience with Loyola U Chicago’s School of Arts & Sciences??</p>

<p>What’s not to like? Loyola is a fine school in a major city: Jesuit makes it special and the education excellent, it is growing and getting better and as with other Jesuit schools in big cities, usually considered part of the city’s Big Three best schools: UChicago, Northwestern and Loyola. ( e.g. in Boston it’s Harvard, Boston U and Boston College, in NYC it’s Columbia, NYU and Fordham, etc.). Graduates do really well and make their mark and SAS has produced some big players and leaders.</p>