LSA Summer Bridge Scholars Program?

I am wondering what is the typical background of someone that has qualified for this program? I’ve heard it is usually Underrepresented Minorities, people from “Inner-City” Schools, or people with high test scores and low GPAs or vice versa. If anyone has any experience with the program any insight would be great.

Potential bridge participants are identified by admissions staff for a variety of reasons. In general, they identify students who come from schools/backgrounds that may not offer as many resources or opportunities as others who may benefit from having a head start in classes and adjusting to college life. The goal of the bridge program is to give these students a head start so everyone is on a level field academically and feels comfortable going into their freshman year. I know some friends who were qualified for bridge because they graduated with a really small high school class and they really appreciated the bridge program and how it helped them adjust to college life. There isn’t really a specific formula for bridge but if you have more questions I would contact the admissions office directly. It is worth noting that students who are offered bridge are required to go through the program in order to be admitted as a student in the fall. Hope this helps!

If you are offered a place, it will make your transition to college life a lot easier. My son’s roommate was a participant , despite coming from a very well regarded feeder HS, and it helped with study skills and transitioning into an unfamiliar environment with low stress. UM wants their students to succeed.