I’m thinking about applying to join the Leadership and Social Change Residential College at VT, but does anyone have any experience with it? What was it like? Was it competitive to get a spot? Would you recommend it or not? The website for it doesn’t have much about the life and work besides the two required classes.

I haven’t seen anyone here talk about it - there appears to be some videos on youtube with information on

I’m two weeks late to this discussion. Apply! The are in the newly renovated O’Shag Hall with A/C and elevators. There is a required Leadership class that meets in the dorm building and is an easy A if you show up. Don’t reduce your schedule for the class; it’s easy. My son did two years and decided to pick up a Leadership minor. He loved it and it was a built in group of friends those first weeks of school. He got great feedback on his Leadership minor and experience during interviews for internships this past winter. He’s also a member of the Honors College but the RLC had a nicer dorm in 2016. They were in Payne at the time.