Do LLC classes impact on transferring into engineering?

Hi, I recently received notice from VT stating that I was not accepted into engineering but into University Studies. I really like VT so I am pretty sure I will still be going to VT and try to transfer into engineering. I plan on applying for a LLC like RLC or Thrive but I heard that they have mandatory courses? Will these courses have any impact on me transferring into engineering by or before sophomore year?

My daughter is in RLC and she is required to take a leadership class in the Fall and Spring Semester and her major is Engineering. By joining RLC you are guaranteed housing for two years if you stay with the program and you will receive a minor in it. My daughter is not doing the second year because of her tough schedule for Fall 2016. The class is easy and does require some work. Transferring into Engineering is not that easy and requires a certain gpa plus more. I suggest you talk to your VT advisor about it and come up with some kind of backup plan just incase. Congrats for getting accepted!

Thanks Schmitty for the response!

A follow up question for you Schmitty. Did your daughter find the experience in RLC pleasurable or valuable? Was it worth it for the duration of freshman year at least? Thanks!

Sorry it has taken me so long to answer back. Yes she really enjoys it and being in leadership makes you have to interacted with your peers in the dorm. When you get into the regular dorms you are not force to do any kind of interaction with others on your floor. I believe the AC was a big plus for her making that decision but she did do leadership in high school. This Fall they will be moving to Payne Hall which has more dorm rooms than PY. She has absolutely no regrets doing it and everyone else we talk to feels the same about it. They do fill up very fast so I would suggest you get your application in immediately.