<p>I was LSPed and I chose Florence as my NYU study abroad campus. I have a few questions and can you guys please give some information:</p>
<li><p>I am going to be Pre-med so I’ll have to take up Pre-med courses like Bio, chem, physics and I want to know whether I start taking these courses and fulfilling Pre-med requirements when I am in Florence in my Freshmen year? Can I start in freshmen year only?</p></li>
<li><p>What about Math courses? Do I take ANY Math courses in Florence?
These two issues are REALLY bothering me- I want to be a serious Pre-med student and I want to take the toughest Pre-med courses I can so please help me!</p></li>
<p>I’m pretty sure the only place you can study abroad and fulfill the pre-med requirements is London, so you might want to reconsider your choice.</p>
<p>@greenelf59: Thanks so much! I was <em>this</em> close to officially registering for NYU at Florence and yes, I am now registering at NYU London. Your first comment made me check the academic offerings at the two campuses- imagine- I would be stuck in Florence with no pre-med classes if I hadn’t read your comment.
I’m probably being overly tragic- but thanks so so much.</p>
<p>I am currently a pre-med freshman in LSP. It is true that you can only take pre-med courses through the London site. Also, Florence does not offer and of the science. In addition, keep in mind that you will not start Chemistry, Biology, etc until your second semester. The first elective you have to take is Calculus I (unless you get a 4 or 5 on the AP test). </p>