LSU Early Action Admissions Fall of 2023

Are. you in state? My son’s GPA is a 4.4, with a 1410 SAT. I think another disappointment is that emails to two different local recruiters have gone completely unanswered.

We are OOS (Texas). Another student from my son’s high school who was ranked #2 in their class also was accepted to LSU this week so it sounds they are starting to roll some acceptances out daily…I’m sure you will hear soon with those stats🙂

We are in Texas too! My son got a prompt in his portal to submit an additional essay for the Honors college application. I wonder if that’s holding up his acceptance?

That would make sense. I think I remember reading in prior years’ threads of other people applying to LSU getting that same request. Neat that y’all are from Texas, too! My son has already been to accepted to Mays Business at Texas A&M and he is deciding between LSU and A&M but with his sister at LSU he is for now leaning LSU.

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We haven’t heard yet either, its the last school we are waiting on and one of the ones daughter applied to the 1st week common app opened. Has heard back from/accepted everywhere she’s applied (UGA, Bama, Auburn, MSU, IU, UNL, etc) but radio silence form LSU and its in her top 2. We’re OOS. Did anyone already accepted also get invited to Honors College (and applied to that)? Surely that wouldn’t be a hold up?

DS received admission email today! Now we have to wait on merit aid to see if it’s still in the running.


When did you all apply

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He applied Aug 14.

My daughter applied early September. We did not hear back yet.

We are OOS, my daughter applied in September and she received her acceptance late last night. So

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Same, OOS and received acceptance at 5:57pm yesterday. It helped soften the deferral from her IS #1 school she got at 5pm.

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Congratulations, but sorry about deferral those are hard to process.

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Hi if you don’t mind me asking what is her stats?

3.97 unweighted and 4.12 weighted
AP classes, leadership, and over 25 hours weekly of extra-curriculum inside and outside school. Low ACT 23 does not do well on a standardized test.

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Did anyone else get an acceptance but for a major they didn’t apply to? My son applied 1st choice Finance and 2nd choice General Business. His myLSU portal curriculum says Undecided Science Engineering.

Anyone else still waiting? fingers crossed it comes this week. It would make her Christmas as it’s her first choice.


My son was accepted but nowhere does it say into what major. Was that in your decision letter?

No. The major accepted to was not specified in the decision letter. We’ve only viewed the decision letter in the LSU application status portal. We haven’t received anything in regular mail. The major was listed in the myLSU portal, different than the LSU application status portal. When my son was accepted, he received instructions on how to activate his myLSU portal. Within myLSU there’s a Student Services section and within that section there is an Application Status section. Under “Detailed Status by Application” his curriculum specifies Undecided - Science and Engineering.

We have the admissions counselor looking into it now.

Our daughter did not have a major specified either. If I remember right, the letter was updated for my older daughters (LSU24) as things were added, such as Honors College and maybe the merit award. Our last update was when she was accepted on Nov 9.

That said, has anyone heard a decision on Honors, yet?