
<p>How many M&Ters get in from ED?
How many M&Ters get in deferred?
How many M&Ters get in from RD?</p>

<p>They admit about 25 students ED. They admit about 50 students RD. I doubt many get in after being deferred.</p>

<p>the program accepts fifty total though. you’re suggesting it accepts 75</p>

<p>Yes because not everyone chooses to matriculate.</p>

<p>so lets say it accepts 50 rd.
wouldnt the ed deferrees have a better chance then the rds for m&t?</p>

<p>i’m sure that the RD matriculation rate is over 50%</p>

<p>incorrect. This year, many were accepted. 47 chose to go to penn. 17 of those 47 chose to drop out of M&T.</p>

<p>lauke, do you think i have a chance at getting into m&t after getting deffered? do you know anyone tht got deffered then accepted for m&t?</p>

<p>Penn M&T office reviews your application first. Then, Penn’s UA admissions office reviews your application next.</p>

<p>If both say “YES” you’re in to M&T.
If UA admissions says “NO,” you’re not in Penn.
If M&T says “NO” but UA says “YES,” then you’re in Wharton/SEAS.</p>

<p>So if M&T said “NO” already, you’re not getting in M&T, even if you have been deferred. On the other hand, M&T saying “YES” will let you come to M&T if Penn UA says “YES” the second time around.</p>

<p>if i didnt get rejected, only deferred, im assuming UA said yes, otherwise i would be out. So if that means M&T said no, then i hva eno chance at m&t? isnt that what defferred means - they reveiw my app again and maybe i can get in?</p>

<p>Yes, but if you are deferred, the UA said no.
If M&T said yes and the UA said YES the second time around, you’re in!</p>

<p>you do have a chance.</p>

<p>im just so crushed…
i visited penn and m&t, spoke with lea engle and jaime davis, and other M&T students and i know thats where i want to go. i put so much work into my app and now i feel like there is no way im going to get in. most of the spots have probobly already been filled. i dont even know where else to apply now</p>

<p>if I got “no” from m&t and a “yes” from UA, then the only option for them would be to defer me, no? since i specified on my app to be considered for m&t rd over wharton ed they the UA couldnt accept me to Wharton cuz they promised another chance at M&t. and they didnt reject me bc they said “yes”, so they had to defer me. wouldn’t that be better reasoning?</p>