M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Me too! Repeat soph or regular? @hillchoatelville

@Julie0635 . Don’t second guess yourself. If a school you didn’t want to go to, that might cost a lot of money offered you a spot tomorrow , would you want it as opposed to nothing? My son didn’t. He wanted schools that he felt were worth the sacrifice. So, if you don’t get in you weren’t meant to —you wil take another path…or try again. No one thing will define or shape your life.

@maddiea22 I literally have the exact same scenario as you. Good luck tomorrow~

@maddiea22 Regular. My parents didn’t want me to ‘lose’ another year as they put it. And you?

Thank you :slight_smile: @Center

Same!! This is so funny! Are those your only three schools? PM me if you want @hillchoatelville

@rulerMA Where did you apply and what grade?

@Center We’re in the same boat…3 schools – we’ll see tomorrow. We visited 12 and DC’s reaction at each of the three was the same – in terms of feeling the “fit” right away and seeing himself there – none of the others we visited were even close…

@Julie0635 I sense a special soul in you. I hope you get the results you want.

@31cruzan . Funny. We have gotten lots of eyebrows…as in …well that’s odd. Gutsy, arrogant whathaveyou. My son just had very strong and shockingly articulate reasons for liking and not liking specific things about schools. We started out with a much longer list. Good luck to you!

Just for the record, the only day I hate moderating worse than M9 is the day before Ivy League colleges release their decisions. :slight_smile:

Good luck to all.

@maddiea22 PM’d

Is anyone here applying as an 11th grader?

@skieurope your dedication and wisdom is greatly appreciated. Hopefully you get a little chuckle here and there…

ahhhhh my palms start sweating every time i think about tomorrow

lol thanks (: @skieurope

Me too. Which is every second… @paatrickkim

the next 11 hours will be hell.

Still nothing on Fedex, UPS, or USPS. Anybody?

Thought we were gaming the system but to no avail … at this point, the morning will come sooner than any old dumb Fedex notification. :-?