M10 Freakout Thread 2016

did they send an email?

What’s the decision thread?

This is a weird question but for the people who were waitlisted, is there a higher chance of getting off the waitlist this year because so many people got multiple acceptances and therefore will turn down spots?
I’m honestly curious and don’t mean to sound like I’m not super excited about my options.

@Rathgar l’villd puts their decision notifications on the application portal. Here is the link:https://pws.inresonance.com/school/lawrenceville/#login … I got a big fat rejection, but I was expecting it since I had sensed that my interview went terribly :stuck_out_tongue:

@99721SS congrats again. Which Webb were you accepted? California?

@onthewestfence The webb in claremont. I thought it would be nice to apply to schools from both coasts to give myself a greater variety and see what environment I enjoy most. I’m an int’l student so I have never really lived on either side.

@Shazam777 go to prep school admissions and look for the official thread there

We went for tenth grade. I wasn’t interested in having her repeat a year

My loomis letter said that I was accepted but with out FA, I can go to the school if I want to pay full and they put me on the FA wait list. Is that the same as the normal wait list? Is it easier or harder to get off of?

DD has applied to four West Coast schools as a 10th grade boarder. One decision so far and she is in at Cate. She applied there last year as a day student and never got off the waitlist. 9th grade spent at local day school.

So 8th graders (and their parents) who might be disappointed right now, please consider that that you will feel SO MUCH better in a month or two. (Or maybe four.) For the most part this is a lottery. It is not a referendum on who you are or how good a job your parents have done with you. Consider, please, that next Fall you will be the same wonderful “you” regardless of what’s written on your sweatshirt. And you will have survived what might be your first set-back and be stronger for it. If you choose to apply again next year it will feel completely different, because you will know so much more, but mainly you will know about yourself. That you handle setbacks with class, that you make the most of a challenging situation, that you can succeed (and, indeed, flourish) in a place where you hadn’t planned on being.

Rejection from LVille!! 2 more schools to go and I am realt scared

Congrats @asdf789 and @Kthor626 !

@Kthor626 congrats on Cate. do the other 3 happen to be Webb, Stevenson, and Thacher?

Does anyone know about this FA wait list mentioned above?!

@zeebee619 DD applied to 9th and is currently in 8th grade at a public school.

Hang in there @hillchoatelville ! :slight_smile:

reject at L’Ville

Suffields emails go out around noon

Yes. But in a completely different order.

@99721SS since you’re an int’l student, how did they notify you?