M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Have others received an email from Middlesex, even if you were rejected? Don’t see any communication from them!

@Apple not far
Thank you so much.

@daddymac1772 I got an acceptance letter from Suffield!

Yay @gradof19 !! Congrats!

Congrats. My son is a senior at Suffield. It’s a great school.

Those who are waiting on Milton, they posted on FB that ‘Orange Envelopes’ are in the mail !! An Orange Envelope means acceptance !!

Did anyone apply to Mercersburg? What have you heard?

@onthewestfence I have been notified online either via portals or emails.

We have had a very disappointing morning.

@RuralAmerica are you still waiting for schools? mixed results for us

@RuralAmerica us too! Damn financial aid!!

we applied for FA as well - hard to know if that was main issue or a combination - but I’m sure it’s not a positive if they are on the fence about a candidate

@RuralAmerica and anyone who’s disappointed by their results today:

You might not get the results you wanted today, but make no mistake you (or your child) WILL be successful! Your chances of getting into the college of your dreams has not lessened! The BS applicant pool is a fiery bunch, full of ambition, intelligence and grit. You will not fail! You are too fantastic, too driven, too intelligent to fail based on what happened here today.

Keep that flame burning everyone!

To clarify, nobody has heard anything from Andover at this point? Isn’t that a little odd? Last year they had FedEx tracking and most people had packages by now.

I got rejected from Loomis, and waitlisted at Middlesex, Deerfield, Taft, and the list continues. BUT I GOT INTO HOTCHKISS!!!

Lovely! One is all it takes:)

Nothing from Andover here. And… the Fedex delivery manager is down!

Andover FedEx just arrived…

Just out of curiosity…How would one track their package if the FedEx tracking manager was working correctly? Thanks

@AppleNotFar was there any notice – did you do the tracker? And CONGRATS!

Do I need to drive home???