M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Congrats. Hope it was ur first choice.

@MAandMEmom I was signed up for the tracker and kept checking but nothing, just unrelated packages I already received.

@rathgar @momof3swimmers our rejections and waitlists stated in most of them it was due to the FA needed. We’re still waiting to hear on a few.

@junemaybees Thanks for the kind words.

Good god, are you in MA? To drive or not to drive, this is the question!

Someone called Andover, they made tracking unavailable for their packages this year, lol.

@Laila11877 thank you. DC said a few days ago that this was strong choice, but wants to go to revisits. These schools are so unique and offer different opportunities and environments. We know we are lucky, no formula to follow, no guarantees. Just hard work by the kids, our support and then its up to these committees. Being on CC and reading the stories makes me feel very hopeful; so many great folks out there!

@Cadensa Congrats! I was also accepted as an incoming 10th grader for Hotchkiss!

@MAandMEmom we are not in MA; I will PM you.

Are there really fedex packages from Andover? They are supposed to arrive by 10:30am and only one person has received a package? When there have been so many acceptances for Exeter and elsewhere? It seems crazy. Maybe they weren’t for 10:30am arrival?

The only thing I received from PA is another reminder email. Reminding me to log in at 5:00 pm. That was like an hour ago.

That’s what I’m wondering, @Shazam777 seems a little odd, eh?

@Shazam777 pkg arrived around 11:45am; it was marked priority overnight; I think the weather disruption must have been pretty bad.

Are you in the northeast area @AppleNotFar?

What’s inside the PA package, @AppleNotFar?

@bleepbopbloop Not in northeast.
@Shazam777 I haven’t opened the envelope, I’m letting DC do that after school.

Thank you, @AppleNotFar! I think the Memphis hub will really impact the southern CCers.

@bleepbopbloop I agree, I think the FedEx troubles will impact lots of ppl unfortunately.

@AppleNotFar Yup, generally everybody has their acceptance letters by now. Anyways, congrats on Andover!

@bleepbopbloop thanks! good luck!

has anyone else received the acceptance package from Andover?