M10 Freakout Thread 2017

@nikolaanna Yup they do go by fast :smiley:

I canā€™t stress this enough but in the endā€¦ M10 is going to come and its going to passā€¦Weather you get accepted or notā€¦ in the big scheme of things, it will be a little road markerā€¦ In a couple years, its going to be another date as we chew our nails off waiting for college decisionsā€¦ And after that another deadline and twoā€¦

I had a pretty bad M10 last year, but you know whatā€¦ I still had an awesome year and had opportunities I might not have had if I was at BSā€¦

What ever road M10 leads you ontoā€¦ Make it your ownā€¦

Yep I started a new book: The Master and Margarita.
Right now Iā€™m looking for the things I love about my current schoolā€¦ I was surprised, Iā€™ve been finding a lot of reasons to stay.

Question: My school doesnā€™t do letter grades, instead it does No Credit (basically a fail, a grade below 75%), Credit (75% - 89%, a passing grade, and Honors (90% plus an extra project, passing with Honors).

Anyway, some other schools do this, and Iā€™ve heard getting Honors is equivalent to taking an Honors class. Do you guys think this is the case? If not, what is Honors equivalent to?

On a thread from a couple years ago, I saw that a few users created a running list of songs that helped distract them in the days leading up to March 10th. I am a quite anxious person, so waiting for M10 to arrive has been horrible for me- but music has definitely helped.

Above I pasted a link to a Spotify playlist I made that has some songs that simply just put me in a good mood! It is collaborative so feel free to add some of your favorite songs!!!

And I deleted the link - not allowed.

Same with all of this. I have been nervous for the past week! Nearly 9 days away. Good Luck to all!

hiā€¦ wanted to mention that Deweykid goes to Putney (definitely a lesser known school) and the head of school announced a continuing trend of more applicants again this year. My understanding is that its quite a bit more competitive than even just a few years ago.

Ughhhhhhhhh My nervousness keeps to increase in exponential growth ughhhhhhh
Hope to get into my ds!

Anyone else applying for the 11th grade>

Okkkkki Iā€™ll just try to calm down and start applying to interns for the summer


I do think you answered your own questionā€¦ Getting an Honors is equivalent to getting a 90%, and in most grading scales thatā€™s an A-, A, or A+. Getting an Honors in a class does not equate to taking an H.Class (substitute the word honors with ā€˜A gradeā€™). Sure its a wonderful achievement but its an achievement in the course you are taking. For example, getting an Honors in World History, is not the same as getting an A in an H. World History course, simply because the classes were designed different with either different content, additional projects, more challenging tests, etc.

Note: The above applies unless your school states that a normal class is a equivalent to a H. classā€¦

Plus, Honors courses are usually required to go onto AP courses (unless you test into one)ā€¦

If you want to rec some songs by name, I am all for it!
Oooohh lets do a song and book recā€¦
Hmm ā€¦

Book: (as I said somewhere above) Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome
Song: Alaska by Maggie Rogers

I do believe @SeattleDreamer is a 11th grade applicant. (unless she decided to repeat?)ā€¦ and @AlternateVisions

Holy moly guys I am so nervous but I also feel burned out and indifferent. My performance in school is gradually going down for some reason and I constantly feel tired. This started right after the application cycle ended. Honestly, since I am in a different time zone the results come for me very early in the morning on March 11. My feelings are hard to explain.

Last Song: Through the Wire-Kanye West
Most Played this Week- Wolves-Kanye West

So I never got to schedule an interview at one of the schools I applied to (Deerfield). They said they would waive the interview, but I just got an email from a staff member asking to set up a Skype interview - does it mean anything that they still want one this late in the game? Or am I just wishful thinking?

The latter. Donā€™t try to read anything into the tealeaves before M10; it wonā€™t work. The only thing that is worth reading into is the communication that you get on M10.

I am. I believe you said you were applying to Hill before, so am I.

Ohh I see @Atria ! Thank you for clarifying.

@Thomas4L - I think itā€™s positive or neutral. Definitely not bad! Good luck with the Skype interview! :slight_smile:

Donā€™t let M10 affect you (especially not your academics)!
In a different time zone as well (12.5 hour time difference) so I get what you meanā€¦ I guess its rly M11 for us :wink:

Sighā€¦ Just got my varicella vaccine and now have a painful lump the size of a golf ball on my armā€¦And letā€™s not mention the feverā€¦ :-<

On the plus side, March starts tomorrow!