M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Haha! Is it nitpicker or knitpicker?

Apparently it is ‘nitpicker’ @Xystus :))

At least we are shrugging off the pressure by having lolz by (k)nitpiking each other @Atria

Guys the schools keep sending me emails that remind me of when they’ll be posting the outcomes and they’re freaking me out now xD. I used to be quite chill but now I’m starting to feel the freakout…

I think that’s true for everyone. My child was relatively chill for a while, but now that we’re in March and the emails are flying, CaliKid is feeling it.

Yup, it’s like you were finally taking a breath and the AO taps your shoulder to say
'Haha… you thought it was over… But no… you remain in our clutches… muhahaha " >:)

I picked my daughter up this afternoon for spring break, and noticed the piles of acceptance packages sitting in AD’s office, waiting to be mailed. Very exciting. Fingers crossed for all of you to receive the results you hope for!

@cameo43 and what school would that be? (just curious :))

Inquiring minds want to know ^^ ! :(|)

@magicthecat the best way to not think about is to do other things, also avoid CC or their websites if you really(really) want to stop thinking about it.

omg, I’m really excited, I don’t feel extremely nervous. If anything I’m ready to find out the AOs’ decisions and then move on with my life.

^^ me too. I feel like I’m not going to get in but it’d be nice to know for sure. :wink:

yeah totally

@livesk8dream & @sunnyschool – that would be Westover School. :slight_smile:

@cameo43 notice any to Canada? LOL

HA! Sorry @makp715, I didn’t get a very close look! Just saw the big stacks of boxes…

1 week left!

Dang it… Here I thought we were about to get an insider’s scoop… Well one can hope ;:wink: … aye @makp715 :wink:

We all know that’s one of the main solutions… But let’s be real… You won’t be able to help yourself :wink: :smiley:

Instead of freaking out … you could be contributing to my new thread over on Chances right now. :slight_smile: Please consider helping out future applicants with all the wisdom and knowledge you’ve gained from this experience. I know they will appreciate it, and so will I. All of you have wonderful and unique insight to share- so get cracking!

Most importantly- have some fun with it - and thank you! You guys are great and I wish you all the very best on M10! :slight_smile: