M10 Freakout Thread 2017

I’ll just add one more thing my dad ( who was a BS alum ) used to tell me and my sibs when we were either applying or away at BS, and it became our family mantra : The journey is more important than the destination.

Again, I’ll keep my fingers crossed, and good luck on M10. And, don’t forget to hug your nearest and dearest because they’re freaking out, too. :slight_smile:

Does anyone know?

(1) …the earliest time on March 10th when you can find out about decisions from the M10 schools? my DD has another school that offered him a spot but with an accept/decline deadline of March 10th by 10:00am CST. They also require an acceptance deposit

(2) … How soon do M10 schools want you to accept/decline offer?


  1. There are some timings on this thread: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-admissions/1958433-how-schools-notify-applicants-2017-p1.html

  2. Most (if not all) schools that notify on M10 require your response by April 10…

Thank you much!

Wow so no one freaked out for nearly a day

I’m already freaking out about March 10, 2018!!!

Haha why? @Golfgr8

I’m anticipating the likely scenario of application “Groundhog’s Day”— every March 10!

My goodness that has the most nightmare-ic potential @Golfgr8
Esp if its anything like my M10 last year…
Imagine that on repeat…
Great… Now I will have M10 themed Groundhog Day nightmares…

Don’t worry Atria- all of us on CC are sending good energy!! Hoping my kid ends up at your school-- it would be fun if so many of the CC posters actually go to school together one day! Know a few are at Choate & Exeter.

I have this funny image of cameokid creating a diversion so @cameo43 can quickly photograph the addresses in the pile…

Look a bird! Click

5 more days left, and honestly I don’t know how to feel. I’m super excited and anxious for the day to get here, but I have no idea how I’m gonna face possible rejection. Some one please help! :-S

Breathe @ivyprincess1

What I said in another post:

Atria & CaliMex: Too funny! If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that CameoKid would never be willing to assist me in such an endeavor… even if bribes were involved! I can’t even get her to help me with practical jokes. (We have some major pranksters in our family… so it’s kind of competitive.)

@sanjit1451 I think dd got the same letter…any other Williston applicants get/not get that letter? Hate hanging my hat on a form letter that went to everyone. Oh M10 HURRY!!!

Just received a financial aid waitlist letter from Asheville :frowning:

4 more days! I’m just wishing I knew about this whole world before now. Applying as a Junior makes everything even harder than how crazy hard it normally is. :frowning:
I’m just hoping I can get into at least one of the 4 schools I applied to, but I’m feeling pretty anxious as of now.

@twentyscholar I’m sorry, hopefully things will change soon.

in some ways i wish M10 would never come and in some ways i just want to get it over with! im so nervous haha. ugh only have to get through 4 more schools days…