M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Aaah and Thacher apparently sent out letters early last year…

@snowyowlgal I feel you, I really wish I didn’t have any test/quizzes this week so that I could just relax. I’m really ready to know, which schools want me, and then, in turn, figure out which school I want to Re-visit.

Have you guys told all your friends and teachers that you’ve applied to boarding school or have you kept it a secret?

I’ve kept it a secret from all my friends, except for my one best friend, whose older friend actually introduced me to Thacher in the first place.

Yea I had to tell some teacher because I needed them to write my recommendation forms.
But I haven’t told any of my friends that I’m applying

I haven’t kept it a secret but I have not advertised it either…
When someone asks what I’ll be doing next year I just say I don’t know yet since I have applied to BS… Plus a couple of my friends are applying to BS and some of our freakout leaks out to our other friends :smiley:

I mostly kept it a secret in the beginning except for telling a few close friends (maybe 5-7) but now what I’m basically doing what @Atria is doing, if someone asks ill tell them, if they don’t ask I’m goona be quiet

I’ve told all of my teachers and friends, but I don’t talk about it a lot. Most people outside of my friend group at my school don’t know.

I want March 10th to come but I don’t want it to come.
But I have a timer set at 5:00pm on March 10th to notify me

Lol I don’t need a timer… I have been counting down since Jan 15 (honestly even before that)

I have so many tests and quizzes this week… Plus, someone (with a rly black soul) decided to combine 2 Algebra II Units and have a combined (so 2x the points) unit test of Friday… Joy…

I have told some friends (okay, a lot of friends). I really regret it, though. It is not fun to have people asking you to stay and not go to BS when you haven’t been accepted yet and it just makes the wait for M10 worse because 1) Not only are YOU anticipating the results, but literally all your family and friends which puts more pressure on EVERYTHING for some reason. 2) Everyone saying either “Oh, you’ll get in for sure” or “Don’t leave me!!” and the words either getting my hopes up or making me feel worse for applying…

Yeah, if I reapply next year I’m making sure that only my teachers and family and whoever eavesdrops knows.

God, three more days… #-o

Ugh yeah everyone keeps telling me I’m going to get in. Even my teachers! It stresses me out even more.
What are people telling you guys?

@magicthecat My teachers, family and friends are saying the same! But after looking at all you guys’ scores, EC and Achievements, i’ve been doubting that greatly. XD

CaliKid is in the same boat. Friends and teachers assume CaliKid will get in. But both CaliKid and I have been trying to manage expectations. Good luck to all.

In DC’s grade, half have “applied out” The kids talk among themselves sharing SSAT scores and predictions

@1000miles Ohhh that can turn ugly on M10… Eeep… Yup ‘predicating’ any decision is a bag of cats…
My advice from last year… If you have other people in school who have applied or eagerly waiting to know your decisions… DON’T open it at school… Come back to the (relative) safety of your house…
Don’t open with a bunch of friends hovering nearby… Tell them after you get over your own euphoria of acceptance ;)…

I’ve told myself enough times that I won’t get in and I’m finally believing it… :frowning:

I’ve been trying to limit my stress this week, but it’s sort of hard to do that when your teachers give you like a thousand tests the same week as M10 lol

Come on @magicthecat ! You’re almost there, don’t give up hope now! Rooting for y’all and sending positive vibes :wink:

@1000miles That does not sound good at all! Like Atria said, things could turn very very ugly on M10…

@magicthecat Trust me, I’m right with you