M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Oh and answering some of the questions before! I have a countdown app and I have probably only told a couple people so far ahahaha

Who else has learned how to do a bunch of new stuff during the wait for M10? ;))
I learned random stuff like how to read tarot cards, teaching my cat (Magic!) tricks, and I also learned the Esperanto language!

You managed to train you cat @magicthecat ? Hats of to you… I used to foster two and they were the most stubborn specimens of their species… Eventually I had to get a dog, and she the eager pupil :smiley:

Ahahah actually I’ve had time to finally read a new book, I always promise myself to read the book before watching the movie. This time it was Nerve, and let’s just say the movie was a surprise. That’s interesting though, cats are adorable. 8->

Wrong emoji more like I love cats but that’ll have to do lol

Hahaha I gotcha! @booksandfries (and I very much like your username)
Yep Magic is CATching on surprisingly quickly! I taught him sit, lay down, up (sit pretty/beg), jump up/down, and come! @Atria

This week is very fast paced for me with M10 just thrown in, two state standardized tests, a ton of quizzes, M10, then a debate tournament… I’m afraid I might not have enough to process all these emotions!

Yep, I just had the NME and the NLE is coming up :slight_smile: @katrina571
(National Myhtology Exam and National Latin Exam)

I remember some of my Latin taking friends stressing over it last week… Best of luck!!

Thank you!! I like yours too it’s purrfect ahahaha puns are great and I understand, tests, projects, soccer games, and M10 it all calls for a busy week. :-S

Haha puns are the best :wink:

I’ve been on spring break all week and it has made it worse because all I can do is think about march 10th and I don’t have anything to do!! I’m so nervous!!!

everyone in my town thinks that boarding school is for bad kids and everyone i’ve told is like “why are your parents sending you away?” lol

I haven’t really told any of my school friends besides my closest, but another knows about it. When I first told her, her first reaction was ‘and why do you think you’ll get in?’ so…

Lol I get that when I tell people too. Also, does anyone know what to do day of M10? It seems pretty intense and probably a lot of sugar that day. :))

When I read your comment I thought you said, “I haven’t really told any of my school friends besides my CLOSET” and was very confused :slight_smile: @katrina571

I just want M10 to be over. If I don’t get a hefty scholarship/aid package I cannot go and my public school is awful :frowning:

Today I emailed the admissions director at Walnut Hill. Since they are rolling I’m hoping for the best! Good luck you guys!!!

@twentyscholar good luck! If you don’t mind me asking whats wrong with ur public school?

Thank you! My public school doesn’t offer many ecs and only has a few honors classes. While it could be way worse, I’m already not challenged in school. I guess I got the boarding school bug :stuck_out_tongue: