M10 Freakout Thread 2017

In my case I’m at a good school (think Harvard Westlake / Brentwood), but I’m itching to leave cause I’ve been there since Kindergarten with the same people.

I was the same way! Before I moved states in January, I had been attending school with the same kids since Kindergarten

@magicthecat Oh wow, that’s exactly how my school is, except doesn’t offer all high school years together.

Oh I see! Mine’s K through 12th grade. @LateNightReadshd

@booksandfries OMG THE PAST TWO WEEKS OF SCHOOL HAVE BEEN HELLLL. We’ve done so many projects and I swear I’m losing it… everything seems so drab at my school compared to BS! It’s driving me crazy. I have a (temporary) 79% in history because I wrote my NHD (National History Day) paper the day before :)) I know it will go up because I always end up with all A’s (somehow??), but it’s annoying me a lot. I had a presentation today in history and I swear I almost had a heart attack… public speaking is not my specialty! I know I got above an 85% on it though, so my grade should go up soon (HALLELUJAH) :))

@ThacherParent Do you think Thacher letters will come early this year like previous years?

@SeattleDreamer UGH THEY JUST DONT UNDERSTANDDDD!!! They’re not used to having classmates as competitive as those who are getting into Andover, so they’re automatically assuming I’ll get in because they haven’t seen those people!!! I don’t think they understand that people from the northeast applying to these schools all have perfect grades, perfect scores, perfect EC’s… I guess Colorado is way more relaxed.

Ahahahahaha that is tbh so relatable. I am constantly ending up with A’s and high B’s. I am so ready for spring break and m10 bc then I will finally be able to relax. My teachers don’t want to stop with the homework, but it’s kind of a good thing bc then I have another oppotunity to raise my grades. :wink: I’m so ready for Friday and the end of the week bc all the stress will be gone and I’ll finally be able to talk to people without including the word boarding or school every sentence lol :))

Everyone: let’s do something to pass the time…

I’ll start us off with a word,

Fell free to do so in a new thread, not here.

Also your grades seem really good you’re totally going to bring up the 79! You are so close lol

LOL I can sort of relate to all the anxiety and nervousness for M10 on this thread… my BS is going to release all our grades on that day :-SS

That’s pretty scary too. I’m excited and hoping everyone does well in their different journeys. :slight_smile: When is the earliest we find out about boarding school decisions?

I’ve got a counter running down until 5PM ET (Andover) and I’ve been checking it more and more frequently… after I get home from school on M10 I’m just going to lowkey stare at it for like an hour until it’s time lol.

@SeattleDreamer me too ahahaha it’s so close yet so far I’m awake at 6:00 then staring at my email for the rest of the day

Hi, I’m new to posting on this thread. I’ve been reading it for the past couple days and I can easily relate to all the freak out over March 10th!

Only 2 more days… I have NEVER been so nervous and I have said the whole “Ride of Paul Revere” poem in front of a audience of 750+ people

I don’t even think I’m scared of getting my results, it’s just that I’m having such I hard time passing my time until Friday. Even at school I feel like I’m always waiting for the time to pass.

These will be the 3 things I do for the remainder of the days:

  1. Study for those pesky tests.
  2. Check CC Compulsively (alliteration :wink: )
  3. Obsessively check emails for the off chance of an accidental sending of decisions. Oh and every email from a school is liable to get my heart beating out of my chest…

Yeah, I’m guilty of checking CC too- especially this thread lol

@magicthecat - no clue! Stay positive and remember that the sun will still rise and the world will still turn on March 11 and you will be just as happy and successful in life regardless of the answer. I know that sounds easy for a 58 year old Dad to say, but it’s true. You, like many of your peers on this site, already demonstrate a level of drive and intelligence that mark you for success. As long as you do your best, run your life with “honor, fairness, kindness and truth,” the sky’s the limit. Have a great vacation this weekend in Ojai. Be sure to:

  • Walk Shelf Road at Sunset
  • Buy a book at Barts
  • Have a coffee at Ojai Coffee Roasters
  • Get a breakfast at Bonnie Lu's
  • Have a healthy lunch at Rainbow Bridge