M10 Freakout Thread 2017

@Atria And good luck with your interviews! They were one of the first parts of the application i did, so i dont really need to worry about them anymore. Well, if you need any help (questions, for example) just PM me :wink:

@LilyPatrick Its so funny last year it was my mum who was okay with the idea of BS and this year its my dad whos okay but mum is not :-? :-?? :-"

And only one (rly?!.. which one?)… well at leat on M10 it will be easier… only waiting for one decision…

On second thought… that’s gonna be nerve wreaking for you… Make or break…

@Atria its beyond nervewracking. its also an incredible difficult school to get into… (and its Andover, wish me luck!)
considering that March 10 is coming soon, are both your parents okay with it now? both f mine said that they’ll help, but ill have to persuade them to let me go XD

@LilyPatrick omg we’re literally in the exact same boat- my parents have grudgingly allowed me to apply for (only) Andover and in the .1% I can get in, they might not even let me go…

@SeattleDreamer Oh my goodness! its so amazing to find someone in the same boat XD I wish you luck! what grade are you applying to?

@LilyPatrick that’s what I thought! I’m applying for 10th or 11th grade (but leaning towards 10th). Best of luck to you too! Who knows, we might be classmates next year :wink:

lets hope so! @SeattleDreamer

They are sort of fine with it… Mum says we’ll talk after M10…ughh…I asked why bother if she won’t let me go and she was like ‘good practice for college apps’… :-< ~X(

That’s what my mum said too! she said “its good experience for applying to universities” and ive also got to talk to them after M10, but I think they’re coming around though.


Do we have the same mom? @-)

Ughhh essays someone please kill me now… I was relying on having till Jan 15 for my essays and now I have to go to a workshop on the weekend so have to finish them by Friday… Why? ~X(

Hang in there @Atria and everyone else that is applying this cycle. The application deadlines are in sight and you’ve come so far already–just one more push! You’ve got this! Just get 'em done :slight_smile:

You can do it @Atria - how many do you have left?
Thankfully my parents both support me, except I think they don’t really want me to leave. But my mom said that if I got in I can go (I’m applying to only Thacher).
I wish both of you luck!

1 essay and 2 short answers @magicthecat (by the way interesting user)
Thx @AppleNotFar… Almost there… Then I’ll be free…
Wait no… then there it the wait for M10… Ughh… I think posting on CC is simultaneously stressing and stress relieving… I don’t think it was as bad last year when I was a lurker…

Good luck @Atria ! And thank you, my cat’s name is Magic!

lol I sort of figured @magicthecat

Let’s lighten up on the emojis please; one should be enough to make your point. :wink:

@skieurope Seriously? This is the freakout thread. Is there something in ToS that defines emoji usage? Is this possibly a gray area? They aint hurtin nobody.

Yes. Seriously. it’s a violation of ToS, as is discussing moderator’s actions on the forums; these need to be handled via PM.