M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Haha @Atria

lol @magicthecat … alright @skieurope
But CC emojis are cool (you have no idea the restraint I demonstrated by not ending this statement in an emoji)

Oh man I’m so incredibly nervous for m10… I only applied to Thacher but I’m not sure I’ll get in. I just really loved the school.

yes, I visited last year, seemed awesome…@magicthecat
I don’t know what is harder… having all ur hopes riding on one school… or multiple rejections one after the other…

I think multiple rejections would be the worst for me. Getting your hopes crushed over and over is better than just once :’)

Haha i just read this and I definitely meant to say “worse” instead of “better” :))

I am already so nervous. I think I will spend the next 53 days or so freaking out!!!

@nikolaanna oh wont we all? XD

uggh… you guys r already on the waiting stage? @nikolaanna @LilyPatrick
Doing last minute edits right now… lol

oh not yet! i’m BARELY there. the next few weeks is going to be horribly stressful, but oh well! @Atria

Do you guys want to play a game or something while we wait? I know previous years’ freakout threads have played games.

yeah, that sounds great. what like? @magicthecat

hey guys, how will we know the results on M10? will the schools send out e-mails or letters or?

It depends on the school, @SeattleDreamer
For example, I think Exeter sends out emails and Thacher sends out mail.

By the way, we could play Never Have I Ever, or “describe bearding schools in one word”, or another game. I’m pretty new to CC so I’m sure many others have better games than the ones I suggested :wink:

**boarding schools
Whoops :slight_smile:

k thanks! @magicthecat i’m soo nervous (only applying for PA)

ohhh @magicthecat Let’s play “What do you think the above CCer looks like?” (pretty self explanatory).
here is the link from last year: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-cafe/1742723-game-what-do-you-think-the-above-ccer-looks-like-p1.html

One thing: Be careful of what you reveal. Avg/general description is fine (like whats happening on the the thread.
Also lets only do it for maybe a dozen or two posts… otherwise it sort of dies…

Hmmm @SeattleDreamer … so this a guess but male, Asian… dark hair, 5’6 ish?

ooh. this sounds interesting :slight_smile:

@Atria I am writing the last e-mails atm loll