M10 Freakout Thread 2017

How’d everyone do on their SSAT?

I think I’m the only one who didn’t take the SSAT… I took the SAT instead (accepted for 11th grade applicants at PA)

Ughh you had to mention it…
lol the day I took the SSAT was awful… Murphy’s Law throughout the day…
Plus I was sick (the day I after the test I had to go to the hospital and was admitted for a couple days) and I kept coughing and everyone in the room was glaring at me :-?? …
Sigh… What abt you?

Just realized I didn’t mention my score… it wasn’t too bad wince … 95 overall…

@magicthecat Hmmm. i thought i had did okay, but its quite far below the average for the school i’m applying to :frowning:

@LilyPatrick what’s the average for Andover?

i think 93 or 92% :confused: @SeattleDreamer

ooh thats pretty high

Aw that’s so awful @Atria ! But hey, nice score!!!
I did SO badly in math, but perfect scores (don’t know how I did it) in verbal and reading. I think I also got 95 or 96th percentile.

I’m sure it will be ok @LilyPatrick ! The SSAT is only one part of the application. Also, even if you get below the average it’s usually alright, so don’t worry! Are you applying anywhere other than Andover?

I have an idea! How about we all post where we’re applying, for reference.

magicthecat - Thacher

SeattleDreamer- Andover

LilyPatrick- Andover

@magicthecat I’m only applying to Andover, my parents would only let me apply to one, so Andover it was!

Awesome! What do you like best about Andover? @LilyPatrick

I think its probably the fact that you can be clever, sporty, musical and artistic all at the same time, rather than just the one or two (like what is normal in my school…). And the sheer number of students who are so motivated to do what they want to do. (it helps me a lot)
What about you? why Thatcher? @magicthecat

lol I Iook at your list and then at mine and just be like… o_O
Atria- Choate, Lawrenceville, Hotchkiss, Exeter, Milton, Middlesex, Deerfield, and a day school

That’s kind of like Thacher. You can do a bunch of ECs at once (like both horseback ride, do a musical, AND play the piano) and they make it easy to do.
I love how the students at Thacher really love to learn, and the teachers are so supportive. The community is fantastic. Also the riding program is very intriguing!

@magicthecat I almost applied because of the riding program! It seemed super interesting, and Thacher was my second choice, but unfortunately, I could only apply for one :frowning: