<p>I had just stumbled upon this site and thrilled with the wealth of info here. My 1st 2 years of high school I maintained a B/C average. My first 2 marking periods of my senior year, my GPA is an 88.
SAT's not so great......................1050 (lousy in math) ACT / 23.</p>
<p>I had applied to the following</p>
<p>UConn... N/G
Southern/Western/Central State U's..................accepted
Sacred Heart...........accepted
W. New England................accepted
St. Anselm.............waiting (late app.)
Assumption............waiting (late app.)</p>
<p>I would prefer one of the small privates but they could be cost prohibitive. We haven't received any financial packages and do not expect much in merit due to my student profile. My initial plans are for a business curriculum.
Regarding the state schools in my area, I have heard many opinions. Some indicate the academics in the state university system are about on par with the small mid-tier privates as listed above for a lot less money. CT. has recently poured millions into their university system and some of the campuses are impressive.
Opinions? Thanks.</p>
<p>UCONN for sure. There are better opportunities for research there than any other school on your list. It is also the most recognized school on the list.</p>
<p>Some of the state colleges really do have pretty good academics and a small college atmosphere - Eastern Connecticut has recently reinvented itself as a quality public liberal arts college - and for a fraction of the cost. If you’re looking for a small school with professors who really care, they could be a good choice. If you’re looking for a prestigious name, well, …</p>