MAC 2311 Textbook

<p>So the MAC 2311 textbook is an ebook? How do I access it and is it as good as an actual Calc 1 textbook? I have heard that it's not that great.</p>

<p>i had the same questions. im going to contact the bookstore later today to ask about it.</p>

<p>Any calc book will do since they all cover the same material and you really want to do good problems/exercises. The professors will assign homework from your textbook but usually is not something you have to turn in, is just for you to do at home and practice. If you want a really good calc book that will help you prepare for exams I would suggest Calculus with analytic geometry by either Larson, Finney or Purcell. Purcell is the easiest one of the three authors, Finney has the hardest problems. Also, the reason it is an ebook is because calc books are pretty hefty to be carrying around, and they’re never used in class anyways, so they just want you to help the environment and save some paper. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>i hated the e book. i can’t stare at a computer screen, the calc 1 book will be labeled as recommended on ISIS. it’s called like early transcendentals or something similar. you will have homework to turn in. if you’re only taking calc 1 the florida book store sometimes has just the calc 1 portion for sale. the calc 1-3 book is huge so they split it up cause not alot of students have to go higher than calc 1</p>

<p>Is the ebook free? I can’t find where to purchase it at?</p>

<p>yeah it’s free. you will be given a link in class or in the syllabus.</p>

<p>is the book Calculus Early Transcendental by James Stewart 2007. The cover is blue and tan showing a part of a violen I think? that what it is?</p>

<p>Is this the book? for mac2311?</p>

<p>yep! double check on isis if thats the current edition, but thats what it looks like.</p>